Junge Size Distribution

 target solution
 no parameters held constant (χ2 = 2.1×10-13)
Note that for all retrievals α=3. Since N0 and β are not independent, all retrievals converge to the target solution with N0×β = 7.5×105.

Lognormal Size Distribution

 target solution
 no parameters held constant (10-13 < χ2 < 10-6)
8 of 10 retrievals match the target solution.

Modified Gamma Size Distribution

 target solution
 no parameters held constant (10-11 < χ2 < 10-8)
 α held constant (10-12 < χ2 < 10-7)
 β held constant (χ2 = 2.1×10-13)
Multiple retrievals are verified as yielding the target aerosol optical depths even though they may not match the target solution.

Bimodal Size Distribution

bimodal-aitken-sols-solution-space.gif    bimodal-accum-sols-solution-space.gif
 target solution
 no parameters held constant (10-9 < χ2 < 10-5)
 α0 & α1 held constant (10-11 < χ2 < 10-5)
 β0 & β1 held constant (10-9 < χ2 < 10-6)
More variability is seen in the accumulation mode parameters due to the relatively flat Mie extinction profiles at the visible and near infrared wavelengths.
