* echo


The results of your exam are displayed below. Depending on what you've set the SHOW level to be you'll see various amounts of grading information. For example, SHOW=4 displays the correct answer for questions you have incorrectly answered and adds one line of hints. Higher values of SHOW will confusingly include correct answers to both forms of the question. *let sshow=show *set show 2

This was a timed test you spent *let timet=secnds-time0 *if (timet.lt.0) then *let timet=timet+24*3600 *endif *write timet/60 f5.1 minutes on it.

*let show=sshow * noecho 1 b a Work = F·s and Work-Energy Theorem 2 a d Use conservation of energy! PE = mgh; KE = ½ mv2. 3 d c Inelastic collisions just conserve momentum; elastic collisions conserve both KE and momentum. 4 c a Pendulum period depends mostly on L and g; for "small" swings it is independent of amplitude. 5 d a * echo

Summary Results

Out of the five questions, you answered * let ntry=5-(nblank+n_blank-5) * write ntry i3 questions and got * write nright+n_right i3 correct -- * if (ntry.gt.0) then that's * write nint((nright+n_right)/ntry*100) i3 percent correct overall. * else if you want to get some correct, you really should try to answer some! * endif

On the real exam, you should be sure to guess an answer for each question. However, on this web exam I give you the expected ¼ of a correct answer per blank answer. Thus if you have no idea what the correct answer is leaving the web answer form blank does no harm on average. Your expected score (including blanks) is: * let score=nright+n_right+(nblank+n_blank-5)*.25 * write score f5.1 * log score '6Hscore=,f5.1'
