*echo *set show 1

Planet Puzzle Results

*use m,r *if (m*r.eq.0) then unknown error: M or R not received *stop *endif *let gright=m/r^2 *if (gright.eq.0) then *stop *endif *use score *if (gright.le.7.3) then !'K' is ascii 75 *if (answer(1).eq.75) then You're right: the Klingons can work on the planet's surface. The gravitional pull is only *write gright f5.2 g. *let score=score+1 *endif *if (answer(1).ne.75) then The Klingons are insulted: you have treated them like wimps. They can certainly stand the gravitional pull of *write gright f5.2 g. *endif *endif *if (gright.gt.7.3) then !'O' is ascii 79 *if (answer(1).eq.79) then You're right: the Klingons can't stand to work on the planets surface. The gravitional pull of *write gright f4.1 g is too great. *let score=score+1 *endif *if (answer(1).eq.75) then The Klingons are dead. The gravitional pull of *write gright f4.1 g crushed them. *endif *if (answer(1).eq.0) then The Klingons are dead. While you decided to say nothing, the Klingons decided to risk it and went to the surface. The gravitional pull of *write gright f4.1 g crushed them. *endif *endif

!the window function: window(x)=1 iff a<=xg was accurate *let score=score+5 *endif *set a .02 b .05 *if (window(abs(g/gright-1)).eq.1) then Your estimate of the gravitational pull: *write g web.2 g while wrong, was not way off. *let score=score+1 *endif *set a .05 b .1 *if (window(abs(g/gright-1)).eq.1) then Your estimate of the gravitational pull: *write g web.2 g was pretty far off off. What happended? *endif *if ((abs(g/gright-1)).gt.0.1) then Your estimate of the gravitational pull: *write g web.2 g was wrong. What happended? *endif

Your score for this problem was: *write score i1 out of a maximum of 6. *log score '6Hscore=,i1,$' *log gright '11H correct g=,f6.2'

Ignore the below: it's just a SHOW *show