old exam 366t105.pdf: 4 & 6 text problem: 4.10 #4 (cheat using Mathematica) t=ConstantArray[0,{4,4}] t[[4,4]]=a < {------, 0, 0, ------}} 2 2 1 - b 1 - b In[7]:= Tr[%4] 2 a a b Out[7]= ------ - ------ 2 2 1 - b 1 - b In[8]:= Simplify[%] Out[8]= a #6 d={x,y,z,0} {x,y,z,qq}=Transpose[boost[b,0,0]].{xp,yp,zp,I ctp} dp=boost[b,0,0].d b ctp + xp I b (b ctp + xp) Out[12]= {----------, yp, zp, ----------------} 2 2 1 - b -1 + b D[dp[[1]],xp]+D[dp[[2]],yp]+D[dp[[3]],zp]- I D[dp[[4]],ctp] 2 1 b Out[13]= 2 + ------ - ------ 2 2 1 - b 1 - b In[14]:= Simplify[%] Out[14]= 3 4.10 a={2 x, x y} t={D[a,x],D[a,y]} Out[19]= {{2, y}, {0, x}} tx={{1,1},{-1,1}}/Sqrt[2] {x,y}=Transpose[tx].{xp,yp} ap=tx.a Simplify[%] (xp - yp) (4 + Sqrt[2] xp + Sqrt[2] yp) Out[23]= {---------------------------------------, 4 (xp - yp) (-4 + Sqrt[2] xp + Sqrt[2] yp) > ----------------------------------------} 4 tp={D[ap,xp],D[ap,yp]} Simplify[%] xp xp yp yp Out[25]= {{1 + -------, -1 + -------}, {-1 - -------, 1 - -------}} Sqrt[2] Sqrt[2] Sqrt[2] Sqrt[2] tp2=tx.t.Transpose[tx] Simplify[%] xp xp yp yp Out[27]= {{1 + -------, -1 + -------}, {-1 - -------, 1 - -------}} Sqrt[2] Sqrt[2] Sqrt[2] Sqrt[2] same --- if tanh(phi)=beta gamma=1/sqrt(1-tanh^2)=1/sqrt((cosh^2-sinh^2)/cosh^2)=cosh(phi) beta gamma = tanh*cosh=sinh(phi) The the basic complex metric Lorentz matrix: {{Cosh[phi], I Sinh[phi]}, {-I Sinh[phi], Cosh[phi]}} which looks a lot like the rotation matrix: {{cos(phi),sin(phi)}, {-sin(phi),cos(phi)}} particularly when you realize: cos(I phi)=cosh(phi) sin(I phi)=I sinh(phi)