"Supporters Assess Trump's First Year"


It's been one year since President Trump's inauguration. We wanted to get a progress report from his supporters. So we called some up and caught some others at the rally known as the March for Life this past week in Washington - first, what they liked.

STEPHEN ROWE: The biggest things I'm happy about are a lot of pro-life legislation that's moving forward.

RON SCHAFER: I'm pleased with all the things that he's accomplished in rolling back regulations.

BRENDA DAWKINS: I love his immigration policy. I love his tax reformation.

DON REID: I'd give him an A. He has been able to withstand the onslaught of a media that hates him, members of his home party who want to get rid of him and radicals on the left who are determined to impeach him.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: And now what they think the president can do better.

JUDY KIMILARY: I'd like him to stay off Twitter a little bit more.

JOHN LOCKHART: Get off of Twitter a little more often.

DAWKINS: I'm not real happy with his tweeting out everything that he's thinking. But that's his way, it seems.

CHRIS BRAZIL: Really, I haven't had much problem with really anything he's done.

MICHAEL DRISKELL: He's just doing everything he promised to do. And we are making America great again.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: That was Ron Schafer, Brenda Dawkins, Stephen Rowe, Don Reid, Judy Kimilary, John Lockhart, Chris Brazil and Michael Driskell, all supporters of President Trump assessing his first year in office.