"Richard Blanco Will Be First Latino Inaugural Poet"


When President John F. Kennedy was inaugurated in 1961, Robert Frost was asked to recite a poem. He wrote a new poem for the occasion called "Dedication." But when the time came for Frost to recite it, the glare of the snow kept him from reading the faint words on the page, so Frost recited another one of his poems from memory.

"The Gift Outright" spoke of how Americans came to posses this land, ending this way.


MONTAGNE: Robert Frost, improvising there at the JFK inauguration. Frost was the first. Since then, only three other poets have taken part in inaugurations: Maya Angelou, Miller Williams and Elizabeth Alexander. Today, the Presidential Inaugural Committee announces this year's poet: Richard Blanco. A child of Cuban exiles, he's the first Hispanic and gay poet to be so honored, and he joined us to talk about it.

Welcome to the program.

RICHARD BLANCO: Hello, Renee. How are you?

MONTAGNE: I'm fine, thank you. This must be very exciting for you.

BLANCO: Oh, as you can imagine, I'm beyond - beside myself still, even though it's been a few weeks since I found out. I got a text message from my agent, who is usually very calm and very well-together fellow. And he texted me and said, you need to call me immediately. So luckily, I got in a traffic jam, and I was able to call him and I heard the news.

And, of course, it took me 10 minutes still of just being stunned, just thinking about my parents and my grandparents and all the struggles that they've been through, and how here I am, first-generation Cuban-American, and this great honor that has just come to me, and just feeling that sense of incredible gratitude and love.

MONTAGNE: Have you started writing the poem?

BLANCO: Well, I think I started writing it right there in my head on the way back home. Images started coming to me. What's interesting - as I think every inaugural poet has said - it's a very difficult assignment because it is an occasional poem. But writing about America is a topic that obsesses me in terms of cultural negotiation and my background as a Cuban-American. And so it wasn't a completely unfamiliar topic, except it's always been from a very deeply sort of personal, familial, lots of family lore and things like this.

So it's a subject I felt somewhat comfortable, but the challenge of it was how to maintain sort of that sense of intimacy and that conversational tone in a poem that obviously has to sort of encompass a whole lot more than just my family and my experience.

MONTAGNE: You weren't born in America. Tell us about that journey.

BLANCO: Well, as my sort of little tongue-in-cheek bio says, I was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain and imported to the United States, which means my mother left - she was seven months pregnant with me when she left Cuba. And at that time, in 1968, since there were no diplomatic relations, everybody had to go through what they called a third country. So we ended up in Spain.

Forty-five days later, I was born, and a few weeks after that, we got in a plane and immigrated once more to New York City. So by the time I was about two or three months old, I had figuratively and literally been in three countries, and could probably have claimed citizenship in any one of the three at that moment. And then eventually, when I was about three or four, we settled down in Miami.

And it's kind of, you know, as I look back on my life, as we all do, you kind of think: Is this some kind ironic or some kind of foreshadowing, of course, of what my work as a poet would be obsessed with? This whole idea of place and identity and what's home and what's not home, and which is in some ways such an American question that we're - we've been asking since, you know, since Whitman, trying to put that finger on America.

MONTAGNE: You do have a poem called "America," which tackles this complex world that you grew up in. I'd like you to read a few lines from it, just to know it's - you might give us a little explanation. It's from the point of view of a seven-year-old whose Cuban family always serves pork and yucca on Thanksgiving.

BLANCO: Right. And so this poem is sort of an angst, and that plea by the seven-year-old child that we have Thanksgiving the way it's supposed to be.

(Reading) A week before Thanksgiving, I explained to my abuelita about the Indians and the Mayflower, how Lincoln set the slaves free. I explained to my parents about the purple mountain's majesty, one if by land, two if by sea, the cherry tree, the tea party, the amber waves of grain, the masses yearning to be free, liberty and justice for all, until finally they agreed: this Thanksgiving we would have turkey, as well as pork.


BLANCO: So that was - and that's always what I've always had to negotiate. I mean, to this day, my mom will make a turkey, but she always has a backup pork roast in the oven, just in case, for those that don't eat turkey.


MONTAGNE: Four years ago, the inauguration of the first black president was a moment that was filled with history. As someone who writes a lot about cultural identity in America, do you think that that milestone has brought about any changes in our society four years later?

BLANCO: The immediate answer is, I think, yes. Specific changes - maybe again, in the way I look at the world as an artist - I don't know if it's something in the air that I definitely feel is different. I do remember that historic moment, and I remember thinking to myself it was one of the proudest moments I ever had as far as being proud of America in the sense of, like, I remember thinking to myself, you did it, America.

My life in America sort of feel a lot more open to possibility, and a lot more sort of dreaming a lot more of who I can be and what I can do. And proof is in the pudding, you know, in the sense of being here, an inaugural poet for this momentous occasion and the first Latino. I think that kind of mindset is contagious, and I think it's something that many people feel in the air.

MONTAGNE: Thank you very much for joining us, and congratulations.

BLANCO: Well, thank you, Renee. It's been a pleasure.


MONTAGNE: That's poet Richard Blanco. Today, the Presidential Inauguration Committee announces he will be reading a poem especially composed to usher in the president's second term.


Hopefully, he'll be able to read the paper in the sun. The lineup for the inauguration was filled out a little further yesterday. Myrlie Evers-Williams will deliver the invocation at the ceremonial swearing in on January 21st. She's the widow of civil rights icon Medgar Evers, who was murdered outside their home in Mississippi 50 years ago. This is the first time that a woman will deliver the inaugural invocation, and it's also the first time that the prayer will not be delivered by a member of the clergy.

MONTAGNE: The benediction, however, will be delivered by a minister. Louie Giglio is the pastor of the Passion City Church in Atlanta. He's the founder of Passion Conferences, which holds annual spiritual gatherings aimed at young adults. Giglio is also a YouTube sensation, thanks to a sermon called "How Great is Our God." In the viral hit, he explores wonders of the science and preaches that they are evidence of God's grace. This is NPR News.