"Rupert Murdoch Begins To Post Twitter Messages"


And today's last word in business is: @ Rupert Murdoch. That's the name of the Twitter account of News Corp.'s CEO Rupert Murdoch. He's not known as big Internet user, but at the age 80 he's had an epiphany of some kind.


And a few days ago he began posting comments on the microblogging service. Twitter and News Corp. have both confirmed the comments are Mr. Murdoch's. In 140 characters or less, Murdoch is praising movies made by his film studio Fox.

WERTHEIMER: He criticized President Obama. He praised Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum.

INSKEEP: And Murdoch has already attracted more than 80,000 followers on Twitter. As you'd expect for the head of a company involved in a phone hacking scandal, he has also faced some criticism.

WERTHEIMER: A blogger in Beirut tweets: Rupert Murdoch has joined Twitter and is now legally following people.

That's the business news at MORNING EDITION from NPR News.

INSKEEP: You can follow us this program @MORNINGEDITION and @NPRinskeep on Twitter. I'm Steve Inskeep.

WERTHEIMER: And I'm Linda Wertheimer.