"Giffords' Tucson Office Reporting For Duty"


C.J. Karamargin is the communications director for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. And he is on the phone. Thanks for taking our call. I know this is a difficult time for you and your staff.

KARAMARGIN: Thank you, Liane.

HANSEN: You opened the office on Monday, right after the shooting. Why so soon?

KARAMARGIN: There's another important reason, Liane. And that is that we're sending a message. No matter what horrific act of violence might befall us, we're not going to be deterred from doing the job of our government. And it's really that simple.

HANSEN: I know you and your staff are mourning the loss of Gabe Zimmerman, who was the director of community outreach, one of the six people to die in the shootings. I know how hard that must be for you, as his colleague. But is his loss affecting the work being done in your office?

KARAMARGIN: We are grieving. We are grieving for a trusted colleague, a friend, a buddy - in my case, someone that I used to work out with and talk about history and politics with. Gabe's death is going to leave a gaping hole in our office and in our hearts. There's no question about that. But Gabe, too, would want us to persevere.

HANSEN: Let me ask you just some questions about procedure, if you don't mind. While Congresswoman Giffords is in recovery, how will she be able to vote on legislation? Can she vote by proxy?

KARAMARGIN: I don't know. I think it is still so soon after the tragedy that we are just beginning to look into this and what it entails.

HANSEN: Yeah, and I bet you're also looking into her committee work, as well.

KARAMARGIN: Yes. The congresswoman was very active on Capitol Hill. She's a member of three committees: Armed Services, Foreign Affairs and Science and Technology. And right now, we are just beginning to explore what the implications will be.

HANSEN: Two other staffers, Pam Simon and Ron Barber, were wounded in the incident. And Pam Simon returned to work this past week. How is she doing?

KARAMARGIN: Liane, it's an amazing scene. Right underneath the sign that says U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, we have essentially a makeshift shrine with the candles burning and the flowers and teddy bears. It's really quite a sight to see. I think it is a great expression of support on the part of our community.

HANSEN: C.J. Karamargin is the communications director for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and we reached him in Congresswoman Giffords' Tucson office. Thanks you for your time.

KARAMARGIN: Thank you, Liane.

HANSEN: Doctors reported yesterday that Congresswoman Giffords no longer has a ventilator to help her breathe, though she remains in critical condition.