"Virgin Atlantic Airways In Snow Dispute With Heathrow"


From London, Vicki Barker has more.

VICKI BARKER: Virgin Atlantic's chief financial officer, Julie Southern, says the decision to withhold payment was not taken lightly.

JULIE SOUTHERN: When the service is provided, we have no trouble paying the fees. When the service is not provided for a prolonged period of time and passengers are disrupted as a result, then we think this is an appropriate course of action.

BARKER: Aviation analyst John Strickland says part of the assessment will be whether the British climate is changing, with longer, snowier winters becoming the norm.

JOHN STRICKLAND: Heathrow has had snow equipment, but the key question will be: Will it need more if those weather conditions are going to change for the long term?

BARKER: For NPR News, I'm Vicki Barker, in London.