"Your Letters: Senate Chaplain; Yuja Wang"


Time now for your letters.

Last week, we brought you a profile of Barry Black, chaplain of the United States Senate. The chaplain told us about his daily opening prayer, his Bible Studies session with senators, and how he uses his faith to help counsel lawmakers. The story drew lots of e-mail and even more comments on NPR.org.

Joan Sophie(ph) of Chicago writes, I'm outraged. Shouldnt separation of church and state mean that senators can seek their spiritual inspiration in the outside world, just as everyone else does? I dont want someone quoting an ancient book to decide any aspect of my health care or preparation for death.

Robert Fewl(ph) of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin asked, are religions other than Christianity represented in Chaplain Black's words to the Senate? Does he use those words to open the Senate doors to Muslims, Buddhist, Jews, and people of other religions of the world?

And Alaina Pipas(ph) of O'Fallon, Illinois says, it kind of shocks me how many people complain about politicians having no morals and then turn around and complain about them seeking moral and spiritual guidance. I'm glad that many of our representatives take one day a week to look at their jobs from a moral perspective instead of just what the polls say.

Last week, our math guru, Keith Devlin and I took a new equation for a spin: a full-proof mathematical method for parallel parking. Many of you wrote in to share your own pro parking techniques. Some even said youve used similar geometric equations, others, not so much.

Peter Davis of Champagne, Illinois writes, by the time I did all those calculations and measurements, I could've simply found a better place to park. And Jerry Braden pleads, as a resident of Philadelphia, I would like to know how to forward this story to all the drivers of New Jersey. Thank you.

Finally, our interview with pianist Yuja Wang hit all the right notes among our music-loving listeners. Alex Greenberg of Durham, North Carolina writes, this may be the first time I've heard the music of Jerje(ph) Lickety played on the radio. What a great surprise.

(Soundbite of piano music)

CORNISH: We want to hear from you. You can email us by going to NPR.org and clicking the link that says Contact Us. Or share your thoughts in the comments section of each story. And you can jump in the discussion on Facebook at facebook.com/nprweekend, or send us a tweet at nprweekend - all one word.