"Logistics: Getting Aid To Haitians"


This is MORNING EDITION from NPR News. Im Renee Montagne.


And Im Steve Inskeep.

More than 2,000 Marines are expected today in the capital of Haiti. The U.S. military is distributing food and water.

MONTAGNE: And Colonel Buck Elton says theyve made progress in running the Port-au-Prince airport.

Colonel BUCK ELTON: When we arrived there was no electricity, no communication, and no support. Since then, weve controlled approximately 600 takeoffs and landings from this 10,000 foot strip that normally operates three aircraft out of it on a daily basis.

MONTAGNE: The U.S. government says it has delivered 600,000 food rations. So the numbers sounds impressive. The question is whether enough can be delivered to enough places, and quickly enough, to help millions of people in needs.