"'Best Job' Winner Stung By Dangerous Jellyfish"


Several months ago, our own Renee Montagne brought you this story about possibly the best job in the world.


Australian tourism officials have been searching for someone to be their island caretaker - basically, someone who will swim, scuba dive, and explore the islands around the Great Barrier Reef and then - here's the job - blog about it to promote the area.

BRAND: The blogger would earn more than 100,000 U.S. dollars for six months of this work. No surprise, thousands of people applied, and the winner was Ben Southall. He's a mountaineering, scuba diving, bungee jumping, all-around adventure guy.

Mr. BEN SOUTHALL (Blogger): As for trying new things, how about riding an ostrich? What can I say - animals love me, and I love them, too.

BRAND: That boast proved a bit of a stretch. Last week, Southall was stung by a tiny but potentially deadly jellyfish. Fortunately, he made it to a doctor in time, and survived to blog another day. He advised his readers to wear protective gear when swimming in the waters off the Great Barrier Reef.

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BRAND: And that's the business news from MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm Madeleine Brand.


And I'm Steve Inskeep.