"Spirit Airlines Urged To Stop Sexy Ad Campaign"


And our last word in business today is dispirited. You've heard the marketing adage, sex sells. Well, flight attendants at Spirit Airlines don't want to use sex to sell their services. They've complained to the company about its series of sexually suggestive ads. One invites customers to enjoy its DDs, which the airlines says stands for deep discounts, though it could be read as a bra size. The head of the flight attendants' union says she feels as though she's reliving the battles that women fought 40 years ago. An airline spokeswoman said the ads have been out for a year with no complaints.

(Soundbite of music)

MONTAGNE: That's the business news from Morning Edition on NPR News. Morning Edition is produced by Tracy Wahl and Alice Winkler. Senior producers include Cindy Carpien, Tom Bullock, Barry Gordemer, Neva Grant and Jim Wildman. Our executive producer is Madhulika Sikka. The director of morning programming is Ellen McDonnell. Morning Edition's theme music was written by BJ Liederman and arranged by Jim Pugh. I'm Renee Montagne.