"Maybe Obama Should Try Product Endorsements"


One way for President-elect Obama to deal with America's financial crisis may be right in the palm of his hand. Mr.Obama has often spoken with ardent devotion about his BlackBerry. He's told interviewers, they're going to pry it out of my hands because he's been told he'll have to give it up as president because of legal and security concerns.

This week, several marketing executives told the New York Times that if Mr. Obama could endorse commercial products, his plug for BlackBerry could earn $25 to $50 million. Now, has anybody thought of bringing down the federal deficit by making the incoming president our Pitchman-in-Chief? He could wear a swoosh for a running shoe on the back of his Air Force One jacket, patches for major auto companies on his arms and shoulders like a NASCAR driver. In fact, when Mr. Obama is sworn into office, maybe he can place his left hand on Lincoln's Bible, and his right hand around a soft drink, saying, thanks, America - you deserve a break today!

In fact, why does it have to be Lincoln's Bible? Why not Lincoln's digital reading device?