"Amazon.com Launches Inauguration Store"


Many retailers want to cash in on the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Obama, and that includes Amazon.com, which gets our last word in business today. The site offers almost everything you could possibly need if you're attending the inauguration - and maybe some things you don't. You start with your Obama pins, Obama T-shirts, Obama action figures. You can buy all the books the president-elect is said to be reading. And then there's a section of cold-weather gear if you want to join the throngs on the National Mall for this outdoor event.

You can buy an inauguration ball gown, cubic zirconium earrings or red toe pumps. And there is even a section of items called Play Secret Service. You, too, can buy your own walkie-talkies, even a so-called Secret Service throat mike so that you can unobtrusively tell your friends about all the great stuff you bought. Everything is available except inauguration tickets. And that's the business news on Morning Edition from NPR News. I'm Steve Inskeep.


And I'm Ari Shapiro.