"Asian Markets Continue Alarming Fall"


NPR's business news starts with a big sell-off in overseas stocks.

(Soundbite of music)

INSKEEP: It may sound like we're telling you yesterday's headlines, because the same thing is happening today. For the second day in a row, fears of an American recession sent investors fleeing from stock markets in Asia. Japan's main stock index fell more than 5.5 percent. That's the worst drop since 9/11. Markets in Hong Kong, Australia and South Korea also dropped sharply. In Bombay, India, exchange officials halted trading after the main index there plummeted more than 11 percent. Fears about the global economy also hit European stock markets, which are still reeling from yesterday's sell-offs. France's main index fell nearly 7 percent. Britain's FTSE 100 index dropped 5 and a half percent.