"Richardson Trails in New Hampshire Primary"


One final word from a candidate who received just 13,000 votes more or less in New Hampshire. Bill Richardson finished a distant fourth among Democrats, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Last night, he noted that you could hardly sit down in a New Hampshire diner without a candidate stopping in.

Governor BILL RICHARDSON (Democrat, New Mexico; Presidential Candidate): I want to apologize to all the New Hampshire voters who I interrupted their meals the last few days. But I want to just say how honored I am to have participated in this great state first primary. Now I know why New Hampshire is first.

(Soundbite of applause)

MONTAGNE: More lunches and dinners will be interrupted soon in Michigan, South Carolina and other states as the candidates move on. For complete results from New Hampshire and an interactive map of upcoming presidential primaries, go to npr.org/elections.