"Washington a Team to Watch in NFL Playoffs"


Time now for sports.


SIMON: Good morning, Howard.

HOWARD BRYANT: Good morning, Scott. That is some rousing music you've got there.

SIMON: Yes. Yes. Well, it's Howard's theme as we think of it here. Washington Redskins, formerly the Deadskins, play the Seattle Seahawks today. Washington's on a roll. They wouldn't be favorite. They are not favorite, ordinarily, but they won four to the last five games.

BRYANT: They have won four in a row, actually. And they - when you look at what Washington has done, it's really remarkable especially coming off at the death of Sean Taylor, where something as devastating as that really puts football in perspective. And for a lot of guys, it just makes you think do they even want to play anymore because Sean Taylor was their friend. He was someone who had such enormous talent. And then they go out and they lose the very next game to Buffalo, and a miscue by the coach in terms of not knowing how many time outs were left. And then they lose their quarterback against Chicago. And then they haven't lost a game since. So I actually like what they're doing. They are the most inspirational story of the post season and I actually think that they are playing so well right now. I think Seattle's going to lose that game.

SIMON: Well, and that sets up Jacksonville against Pittsburgh...

BRYANT: It's Jacksonville and Pittsburgh - also very interesting game but for different reasons because Pittsburgh was supposed to be a team that was going to challenge Indianapolis and challenge New England. But they've had so many injuries. You lose Willie Parker, the running back and you lose Aaron Smith, the defense man. They are so banged up right now and they are playing a Jacksonville team that they always say that those southern teams are playing in the warm weather or that play indoors can't go up and play East Coast northern smash mouth January football.

SIMON: Steeler football.

BRYANT: Exactly a Steeler football in Jacksonville - went up there last month and they pounded Pittsburgh, and so Jacksonville is very well-equipped to play winter football, as they say, in the frozen tundra.

SIMON: Two games on Sunday that at least according to the odd makers lack mystery - Giants versus the Buccaneers in Tampa Bay and the Titans versus the Chargers in San Diego. Any reason for you to dispute that?

BRYANT: And I think that the Giants, for all that they have gone through this year, I think because they played such an inspired game against the Patriots in the last game of the season, I think they realized that, hey, we took New England to the Madden. If they're the best team going, we can handle anybody. So I think that that's going to be a really fun game. I think that the Giants offense is going to overcome the Tampa defense even though Tampa's defense is the best in the league.

SIMON: Switching gears entirely - are you going to watch Roger Clemens on "60 Minutes?"

BRYANT: Oh, not only am I going to watch Roger Clemens, but I'm going to watch him tomorrow and then I will watch him a week after next when he's in Congress on the 15th and 16th of January. This is a devastating, important moment for him. His legacy is on the line, under oath. And I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to say tomorrow night and also what he has to say when we get to Capitol Hill.

SIMON: Can he say anything that will satisfy you?

BRYANT: I think he has to explain why his personal trainer has said what he said against him and I'm not sure but I need to see him. I'm going to reserve judgment on that one.

SIMON: Thanks very much.

BRYANT: Thanks as always.