"Chicagoans to Pay New Water Tax"

ADRIENE HILL: Bottled water industry groups say the tax is the first of its kind in the country - they're considering a lawsuit. Tim Bramlet heads the Illinois Beverage Association and says the city is just looking for a way to fill its coffers.

TIMOTHY BRAMLET: This really isn't an environmental issue. I think that was a subterfuge to try to sell this.

HILL: Outside a gym on Chicago's north side, a number of people support the tax and think the environmental argument's a good one. But Jason Hill, who buys bottled water twice a day, is not a fan. He says the tax has him making other shopping plans.

JASON HILL: I think just like my gas, I'll probably go out of the city to buy water.

HILL: For NPR News, I'm Adrienne Hill in Chicago.