"With TV And Games, Sony's Head Is In The Cloud"


Among the big companies spending the money to make a splash at CES was Sony. In its keynote address, Sony announced that its PlayStation 4 videogame console was beating Microsoft's Xbox One in sales. Sony claims it sold more than four million by year's end. In its own announcement, Microsoft claimed to have sold three million.


Sony also amped-up its years-old talk about transforming the living room by unveiling plans for two new Cloud-based services. One is for gaming - it's called PlayStation Now.

ANDREW HOUSE: The result is nothing short of amazing and marks the beginning of a new era of streamed gaming.

CORNISH: That's Sony Executive Andrew House. He told the audience this new service will make PlayStation's library of games playable through the Internet on all kinds of devices, including TVs, tablets and mobile phones.

BLOCK: The other Cloud-based service Sony announced is an as-yet unnamed TV service. Andrew House said Sony will take the movies and television shows that it makes and offer them through the Internet on all kinds of Sony devices.

HOUSE: Based on the number of users streaming videos on any given day, our network would rank among the top five cable and satellite providers in the U.S.

CORNISH: How big is that? Sony says tens of millions of users will be able to watch its new service through their TVs and PlayStations.