"Midwest, Northeast Brace For First Major Snow Storm In 2014"


Well, there are plenty of clouds on the move back here on our planet. And what lies beneath them is no mystery: snow, lots of it. The Northeast is bracing for the brunt of a serious, winter storm. In all, some 22 states and about 100 million people will feel its blustery effects from New England well into the Midwest. Snow is already falling in some places and more than 1,500 flights have been cancelled.

Yesterday, Boston Mayor Tom Menino announced the city's public schools will be closed Friday - a full two days in advance. They're expecting as much as a foot of snow. New York could get eight inches. The storm will also bring frigid temperatures. Wind chills in parts of Connecticut could dip as low as minus-20 degrees.

Meanwhile, in central Arizona it will be 75 and sunny with zero percent chance of precipitation - nicely done, Phoenix. You're lucky the storm's shut down so many flights or we'd all be heading your way.


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