"Ron Sexsmith: At Midlife, A Songwriter Ponders Mortality"


It's ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Audie Cornish.


And I'm Melissa Block.

Somehow, the Canadian singer-songwriter Ron Sexsmith manages to make a case of the deep blues sound sweet.


RON SEXSMITH: (Singing) I heard the thunder, so I braced for the rain. I tried to get out from under, but all was in vain. There's no way to stop it from pouring, buckets down from the sky, when you're stuck in a cloud, and there's nowhere to go but down.

BLOCK: Ron Sexsmith's new album "Forever Endeavour" comes out next week. It's his 13th album. And the songs show him at midlife reflecting a lot on the passage of time.

Ron Sexsmith joins me now from NPR West. Ron, welcome to the program.

SEXSMITH: Thanks for having me.

BLOCK: You know, in the song, you're saying nowhere to go but down, but the song feels so buoyant.


SEXSMITH: You know, I was trying to write it almost like a Chaplin-esque kind of sad clown song, you know? And I always try to infuse some kind of hope or humor in there if possible.

BLOCK: Is there something about that tension between sadness and light or humor that you really like?

SEXSMITH: Well, I think there's always something comforting about sad songs. It's like when Bing Crosby sang all those Depression-era songs, you know? It's, you know, an emotion that I, you know, I think it's a shared thing that everyone can relate to. And, you know, I wrote that song basically because I've made my last album when I was feeling pretty good about things, and then when we started shopping it around, we've got so much rejection for it. And so I just, you know, I remember thinking nowhere to go but down and then, you know? But as I wrote the song, it made me feel better, you know...


SEXSMITH: ...as sad songs do, you know?


SEXSMITH: (Singing) It's like you're stuck in a painting, unable to cry or to make a sound, and there's nowhere to go but down.

BLOCK: A number of these songs I've read were written at a time when you were thinking a lot about your own mortality because you had a health scare.

SEXSMITH: Yeah, I had a bit of a few months of not really freaking out, but they found this lump in my throat which is always, you know, when you're a singer, it's like...


SEXSMITH: ...the worst news you can get. And so I was just waiting around for tests and waiting around for results and - but thankfully, I got good news. It was a benign thing.


BLOCK: That's great news.


BLOCK: But it did end up in the song somehow that period.

SEXSMITH: It did. I have a song called the "Morning Light," which is the last song on the record that, you know, it's just so great to wake up every day, you know?


SEXSMITH: It's, you know, and we're still here - hooray. And then I remember I was waking up. I was looking out, the light coming in the bedroom window, and there was dust, you know? And there's dust dancing around in the light, and I was thinking, well, you know, there was the ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Well, maybe that's what happens when we die. We just become this dust that joins the sunlight.


BLOCK: Is it hard to write when you are so anxious about your health?

SEXSMITH: Well, when you're a writer, you kind of take everything, you know? And every little - whatever you're going through, it's kind of convenient actually when - to have an outlet like that, whatever it is. If you're in love, you can write a happy, romantic song or if you're feeling down - and I wonder what other people do that don't write. You know, they must - maybe go play golf or something. But, yeah, I just - it was on my mind. And so naturally, being a songwriter, it sort of worked its way into some of the lyrics.

BLOCK: Worked its way in, but, again, and often in a pretty jaunty way, I'm thinking about the song "Sneak Out the Backdoor"...

SEXSMITH: Oh, yeah.

BLOCK: ...which was about goodbyes of all kinds but certainly has shades of talking about - too, about saying a final goodbye.



BLOCK: Ron Sexsmith, talk a bit about this song.

SEXSMITH: Well, it was kind of written around the time of "Nowhere to Go" where I was feeling a bit rejected by the music industry. It's a feeling that comes and goes that I find. And I was just thinking about disappearing or wanting - and not wanting to make a spectacle of myself.



SEXSMITH: ...where did that Ron guy go?



BLOCK: With better result, though.

SEXSMITH: Yeah, I hope so.


BLOCK: Let's talk about the title of the album. A play on words, "Forever Endeavour," endeavor being one word in the title, but it sounds like...


BLOCK: ...forever and ever.

SEXSMITH: Yeah. I just thought, you know, when you're a songwriter, it is a bit like a forever endeavor because you're trying to do something or write a piece of music that maybe will outlive you, or, you know, it's like the Stephen Foster songs. Everybody still knows "Camptown Races"...


SEXSMITH: ...or something, you know? That's the kind of - when you're a songwriter, you have a shot at immortality if you're lucky, you know?

BLOCK: I want to end by asking you about the song "Deepens with Time"...


BLOCK: ...which starts with memories from childhood. It's like a bittersweet look backward.



BLOCK: And, Ron, by the end of the song, we're in a very different place. Where are we?

SEXSMITH: Well, by the end, I'm just - I say through our hands, it slips away. Through our hair, a touch of gray. And in the back of our minds, you know, and it just - it's something that you don't think about, but every now and then, you realize you're having a good time, and then it hits you that, wow, this is all maybe going to end some day, you know? And it just - it's the stuff of what we make movies and writes songs about, you know? It's like the terms of endearment. I don't know why, you know? I mean - so, yeah, it's a bittersweet song for sure. And, yeah, I'm really glad that we made it on this record.


BLOCK: Ron Sexsmith, it's great to talk to you. Thank you.

SEXSMITH: Always. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

BLOCK: The new album from Ron Sexsmith is "Forever Endeavour." It's out next week.

You're listening to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News.