"Beyonce's National Anthem: Did She Sync Or Didn't She?"


Well, it didn't take long. We learned today that one of the performances at yesterday's inauguration ceremony was not as it seemed. Beyonce lip-synced her rendition of "The National Anthem," that's according to a spokesman for the U.S. Marine Band, which played live over Beyonce prerecorded track.


The spokesman said today it is standard practice for inaugural music to be prerecorded in case weather gets in the way. At the 2009 inaugural, an all-star quartet, including cellist Yo-Yo Ma, famously faked their performance because of the frigid and windy weather.

SIEGEL: Well, Beyonce chose not to risk it yesterday. Other performers did. A representative for Kelly Clarkson, who sang "My Country 'Tis Of Thee" after President Obama's speech, told the Associated Press that Clarkson sang her part live, cold and all.