"To Catch A Marten: Seeking Clues In Olympic National Forest"


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Scientists are concerned about dropping populations of martens, a member of the weasel family, in coastal mountain ranges like Washington's Olympic National Forest. But martens can be tricky to study. These elusive animals live in the most remote parts of the forest, and they're not threatened throughout most of their range, which means they're a low priority for research funding. So as Ashley Ahearn of member station KUOW reports, some biologists are recruiting volunteers to help them learn about martens.

ASHLEY AHEARN, BYLINE: When most people go hiking, they probably don't bring...


UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Clippers, yes.

TREINISH: All right. Do we have a folding saw?


AHEARN: It's about 25 degrees on a clear Saturday morning when Gregg Treinish gathers a small group of volunteers around him.

TREINISH: Do we have a hammer?


AHEARN: Treinish is the executive director of Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation. It's a nonprofit that puts avid outdoors people to work gathering data for scientists around the world.

TREINISH: Do we have a roll of chicken wire?


AHEARN: The mission for this group, help biologists in the Olympic National Forest figure out if there are any martens left in this coastal mountain range and see if there's a threat of extinction. Betsy Howell stands nearby. She's a biologist with the Forest Service who brought Treinish's group here to help with the research.

BETSY HOWELL: We can do so much more together than we can do separately. I mean, the partnership is a great way to get work done that otherwise, you know, we just really don't have funding or staff for anymore.

AHEARN: The group will be setting up motion-sensing cameras in some of the most inaccessible parts of the forest at this time of year.

They're extremely cute little animals, if I may be so unscientific.

Martens are smaller than your typical house cat with a long, weasely body, short legs and a bushy tail. They're usually a tawny brown with an orange throat patch. Martens make their home in old growth forest. Howell explains that in the coastal region, much of that habitat has disappeared. The chances of catching one on camera here are incredibly slim.

HOWELL: For about the last 25 years, we've had three sightings. Two were photographs, and one was an animal caught in a trap.

AHEARN: Martens may be rare here, but until scientists know that for sure, these animals can't be recommended for protection under the Endangered Species Act. That's where these volunteers come in.


AHEARN: All right. Everyone finishes packing up, and Gregg Treinish leads the group into the woods at a brisk pace. He and Betsy Howell point out the tracks of mountain lion, elk, coyote, bobcat and a host of rodents along the snowy trail. No martens.

TREINISH: Notice the track off to your left here, see if you can figure out what's using this little run here.

AHEARN: The volunteers hike for several hours before they get to what looks like a good place to put a marten camera. To the untrained eye, it looks like every other snowy section of alpine forest, but not to Gregg Treinish.

TREINISH: To the right of Betsy right now is a cedar tree, and then to the left of Betsy is a fir tree. I kind of like that how it funnels everything right into there, so we'll go with that spot. Sound good?


AHEARN: All right.


AHEARN: The group unloads its gear and starts setting up the station. Jenna Walenga is a barista from Seattle. A few years ago, she hiked Kilimanjaro. Right now, her job is to pull a bloody piece of beaver carcass about the size of a soccer ball out of its plastic garbage bag and attach it to one of the trees.



WALENGA: Yeah, this is a nice piece of meat.


TREINISH: And really, what we're doing is we're luring them into this area so that they'll go and try to get our bait, which is really what we're hoping for so that we can get a photograph of them.

AHEARN: On the opposite tree, the team sets up the motion-sensing camera and aims it at the beaver carcass. The volunteers will set up 11 other stations like this one throughout the forest. Then they'll come back in smaller groups to check the cameras every month or so to see if any martens show up to have their picture taken. And if they do, there might be a chance that they could be better protected in the future. For NPR News, I'm Ashley Ahearn in Seattle.