"Superstorm Sandy Victims Resettle, Thanks To Small Town's Efforts"


This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Melissa Block. Thousands of victims of Hurricane Sandy are still out of their houses more than two months after the storm so some people in Connecticut hatched a plan. They've created a brand-new neighborhood with little homes just for people who are still displaced. Neena Satija of member station WNPR visited one family who lost everything on Staten Island.

They're now starting out over 100 miles north in New Milford, Connecticut.

NEENA SATIJA, BYLINE: Deborah Rassi is so happy to be unpacking. So what's in these bags here?

DEBORAH RASSI: Oh, your guess is as good as mine right now. Let's take a look.

SATIJA: Her brand-new home came with bags of donated clothing.

RASSI: One might be laundry. OK. This is a man's shirt and it looks like a pair of pants.

SATIJA: The Rassi's have been in New Milford for three days. John Hodge has been working on their little mobile home and 19 others like it for about two months.

JOHN HODGE: So the whole idea came together in about 20 minutes. Actually making it happen is another whole story.

SATIJA: Hodge is first selectman of a small town near New Milford. He was helping funnel donations into New York after Sandy and watching all these families get shuttled from one evacuation center to the next. So he got together with a mega-church in New Milford, which donated the use of four acres of land, and a New York foundation, which raised funds.

Hundreds more donated their time and money to put up a working neighborhood of 20 mobile homes, complete with wreaths on their doors, by Christmas. Hodge says he's never worked on anything like it.

HODGE: We had to put in sewer lines. We had to put in water lines, electric lines, cable, the whole works, telephone, the whole works.

SATIJA: Around 50 families have applied for 20 available spots. The Rassis are one of 13 families that have moved in so far. In their new neighborhood tucked into the hills, they were greeted with kitchen cupboards full of food and little bedrooms with fresh new linens. They can live here, rent free, for a year. After that, the land will go back to the church, and Hodge says the families will have a chance to buy the mobile homes.

ROBERT RASSI: This is really moving up in the world, you know, to have a place to sit down and everything.

SATIJA: Sixty-seven-year-old Robert Rassi is Deborah's husband. The two grew up in New York and they've lived on Staten Island for more than 30 years. Their daughter Leila had just moved back in with them and brought everything she owned along. Then, the house filled from floor to ceiling with water. The Rassis are hoping for some more money from FEMA, but at most, they'll get $30,000, not even a tenth of what they lost, says Leila Rassi.

Starting over here won't be easy. Unlike in Staten Island, nothing is within walking distance. The Rassis have one car, but they'll probably need another one. Still, some things are comfortingly familiar. And looking at the mountains in the distance, Deborah Rassi is flooded with memories of her old home.

RASSI: In the morning, like on a Saturday, I take my coffee, sit on the patio.

RASSI: Nature is really running wild through the area. Every kind of bird you can think of.

RASSI: I love nature. That's why being here, looking at the Berkshires, I'm very happy.

Deborah Rassi works in nursing administration. She just started to look for a job when the storm hit, and once she touches up her resume, she'll start looking again in the New Milford area. Leila Rassi is a researcher in Manhattan, a two-hour drive away, so she'll look for a new place closer to work. At the moment, she's just happy to have a place to breathe.

LEILA RASSI: And we're very lucky because there are neighbors of ours who are still sleeping in their moldy houses and sleeping in their cars overnight. So we recognize that this is truly a blessing.

SATIJA: The Rassis know this won't be a home forever. But with a place to get a good night's sleep, friendly neighbors and a closet of their own for what little they managed to salvage, they can finally start to rebuild. For NPR News, I'm Neena Satija in southern Connecticut.