"Kathleen Edwards: A Breakup Song's Bigger Picture"


The new album by Canadian singer-songwriter Kathleen Edwards is filled with heartache and self-doubt. It makes sense - much of the album was written around the time of her divorce.


CORNISH: White carnations, a mother's clutch - in this song, "Pink Champagne," Edwards begins with an image of a wedding day. And if you listen to the lyrics, you can tell things are not going to end well.



CORNISH: Can you tell us how the chorus came together?

: The referencing pink champagne came from my own, brief love affair with pink champagne where one, particular night as things were not going very well, I drank too much pink champagne. And afterwards, I reflected about how, you know, pink champagne tastes the same and - than - regular champagne. And all I could think of was that it still gave me the same hangover. And I kind of thought how it was funny that that translates in a lot of things in life.

CORNISH: Especially in the context of this, where even though we're talking about the song, about being at a wedding, it's really - it seems to be more about failed expectations.

: It is about failed expectations. There was a time in my life where I remember thinking to myself hey, you know, you're doing OK. You're not even 30 and you're married, you own a home and you have this career. And you really have your (beep) together and you've really sorted some things out, and you should be really proud of yourself.

And then I remember thinking that a house does not make you a better person, or a more complete person. It's just a house. And it's the things that you do in that home, and who you do it with and all that stuff, that's far, far more important.


CORNISH: Well, we appreciate you doing it on this song ,and on this album.

: Thank you. I - part of me hates you for picking the most raw song on this record to talk about, and I guess maybe it's inevitable. I don't care - of course, I don't hate you. I love you.

CORNISH: I love this song. Kathleen Edwards - her new album is called "Voyageur." Kathleen, thanks so much for talking with us.

: Thank you.

CORNISH: You can hear "Pink Champagne," and the other songs from "Voyageur," at NPRMusic.org.