"In 'Last Exit,' Brooklyn Is A Character, Too"


This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Michele Norris.


Author Mishna Wolff fell in love with the book because of the harshness of its characters' lives. Here she is to explain why you must read this.

MISHNA WOLFF: But surprisingly, it feels life-affirming, as though that thing that makes them try is some basic life force that cannot be killed no matter how depraved an environment it lives in - the will to survive. And there is something inspiring about their courage - to stand for themselves in this cruel neighborhood and say, I'm here, this is me, I am here.

SIEGEL: Mishna Wolff's latest book is called, "I'm Down, a Memoir." She picked "Last Exit to Brooklyn" by Hubert Selby, Jr. for our series You Must Read This.