"Listeners On Rule Changes"


As we reported on Friday, the National Football League has changed its overtime rules for the playoffs. On Friday, we also asked listeners about other rule changes they'd like to see in their favorite or not so favorite sports. Now, some of your suggestions.


First, the somewhat practical. Mark Holmes(ph) of San Diego sent us this tweet, and that explains his use of language. Get rid of extra point in football. Ninety-eight percent of points are made, so why bother? Make them all run for two extra points.

SIEGEL: Ron Dylewski(ph) of Aspinwall, Pennsylvania, suggests: All players in every sport should be enjoined from talking to refs, linesmen or umpires, period. Violation leads to immediate expulsion from the game. In one stroke, we eliminate a huge amount of unnecessary high- priced whining and we get on with the games.

NORRIS: Other suggestions were not so practical. Craig Kenworthy(ph) of Seattle had this idea for pro baseball. Put a time clock on the pitcher and make him back up 10 feet for every violation. After a few three and two counts thrown from the center field, the game should speed up.

SIEGEL: Phillip Davis(ph) of Gorham, Maine, has this suggestion for the NBA. For far too long, there's been too much human activity within that hallowed cylinder of space above the mouth of a basketball basket. Return this realm to a wilderness where only rubber and the stain of human sweat is permitted. Raise the basket to 11 feet.

NORRIS: Chris Brown(ph) of DeKalb, Illinois, writes: Change the name of the sport of football. Let soccer have it already. You use your foot to move a ball. It works for everyone else. So let's get a new name for what was American football. I'll nominate the name American handegg.


SIEGEL: And finally, an entire genre of letters from listeners who think there isn't enough skin in sports. Shawn Skabelund(ph) of Flagstaff, Arizona, writes this. I've been teaching anatomy for artists for nearly 10 years. Each fall semester, I tell my students how wonderful it would be to watch a professional football game where both teams line up against each other nude. What a learning experience this would be to learn anatomy. I propose that each team is required to wear no jerseys, no pads, no helmets, no shoes for one Sunday afternoon, preferably on a cold winter Sunday.

NORRIS: Tom Como(ph) of Ellicott City, Maryland, writes: At the last Olympics, it seemed like the swimming competition was more about the suits than the swimmers. It seems to me there's an easy solution. Go back to the original Olympic competition rules. Swimmers should compete without suits. Camera angles for the broadcasts could get to be tricky, but if we can put the first down line on a moving field, we can pixelate or block out FCC-barred moving parts.

SIEGEL: And Lara Fishman(ph) of Los Angeles tweeted this: Institute mandatory nudity in cricket to make it interesting enough for Americans to want to watch it.

NORRIS: International Cricket Council, are you listening?

SIEGEL: Well, thanks to all who wrote in with their rule suggestions. Reading them was every bit as fun as watching this weekend's American handegg playoffs.


NORRIS: You're listening to ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News.