"Report: Verizon To Announce iPhone Deal"


Shayndi, what have you heard?

SHAYNDI RAICE: Since they got the iPhone, they've seen data traffic increase tremendously, and it's just really impact the service. And so there's been a lot of frustration from AT&T customers, but people have stuck with AT&T because they love their iPhone and they want the iPhone. And so now, it's going to be a game changer in the market. I mean, it's really going to just open up the whole market.

BLOCK: A game changer meaning good for Verizon could also be bad for AT&T, I would think?

RAICE: So we're not sure exactly, I think, how big of an impact it's going to have. You know, I would expect that it will have a very significant impact on AT&T, but, you know, there's some analysts who don't think it's really going to affect the stock too much.

BLOCK: And what about the impact for iPhone users?

RAICE: I think the other thing I should mention is that a couple weeks ago, AT&T was voted the worst network by Consumer Reports, and Verizon Wireless has the best. It's tied with Sprint. So, you know, for people who want to switch, they're going to get, you know, fewer dropped calls and better network quality.

BLOCK: How does this work, Shayndi, if AT&T had the exclusive deal with Apple up till now, what does that mean Apple had to do to get out from that exclusivity to open up a deal with Verizon?

RAICE: So it really makes sense for Verizon announcing it now. I mean, you know, this is, basically, a couple weeks, you know, after AT&T's exclusivity with the iPhone supposedly ended. So, this is it. This is the time.

BLOCK: Shayndi, thanks so much.

RAICE: Thank you.