"Letters: Digital TV, Video Game"


On Friday's program, we considered a few other new tidbits of technology, and you chimed in with your thoughts.


Many of you wrote to say that my conversation with video game designer Petri Purho of Finland provided you with some new entertainment. Purho designed Crayon Physics Deluxe. It's a computer game where you can draw shapes like circles, squares, the shape of a car - whatever you want. And those shapes then follow the rules of physics.

NORRIS: Well, that story helped brighten Friday night at the Valentino(ph) home. Listener Tony Valentino(ph) of Itasca, Illinois, writes, I heard your story about Crayon Physics on my drive home. When I arrived, my three boys were playing their new Wii, of course. After we finished, I downloaded the demo. All three were so interested they did not want to leave the computer. I had to force them to go to bed. My seven-year-old came out to find me still playing, and we had a great time for another hour.

BLOCK: On Friday, we also brought you a story about the change to digital TV that is slated to happen on February 17th. The Obama transition team has requested a delay so that more people can prepare for the switch.

NORRIS: Well, Christopher Schramm(ph) of Tempe, Arizona, sums up several emails we received with this suggestion for TV viewers who might get left in the dark. He writes, maybe all the millions of people who aren't equipped to make the switch can just go without television. I promise they are all going to live. Instead, they could read a book, spend time with a friend, exercise, practice a hobby, or listen to NPR.

BLOCK: We like your thinking, Mr. Schramm. As always, we're grateful to you for your compliments.

NORRIS: And your criticisms. So write to us. Visit npr.org and click on Contact Us at the top of the page.

BLOCK: This is NPR, National Public Radio.