"Music Patron Betty Freeman Dies"


From NPR News, this is All Things Considered. I'm Melissa Block.


And I'm Michele Norris. The world of contemporary classical music is mourning one of its most passionate champions. Betty Freeman died Sunday in Los Angeles. Freeman was an arts patron who used her wealth to support some of the most innovative composers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Joel Rose has this appreciation.

JOEL ROSE: By her own count, Betty Freeman made more than 300 grants of assistance to dozens of composers.

(Soundbite of violin work "Freeman Etudes")

ROSE: John Cage expressed his gratitude by naming a solo violin work in her honor. Freeman tried to talk him out of it, as she told Charles Amirkhanian on public radio station KPFA in 1991.

Ms. BETTY FREEMAN (Music Patron): John wrote me that he was writing a piece called the "Freeman Etudes." So I called him up. I was in Los Angeles. I called him in New York, and I said, thank you very much for calling it the "Freeman Etudes," but I never use my name in public.

ROSE: Freeman's longtime friend, Los Angeles music critic Alan Rich, says she was adamant about remaining behind the scenes.

Mr. ALAN RICH (Music Critic): She didn't look for fame. She did not want her name up on marquees. She just liked spending money on contemporary music.

ROSE: As a result, Freeman's name didn't mean much to the general public, but composers certainly knew who she was. She rescued aging American maverick Harry Partch from poverty and obscurity. And she helped support up-and-comers too, commissioning John Adams to write his opera, "Nixon in China."

(Soundbite of opera "Nixon in China")

Unidentified Vocalist: (Singing) News, news, news, news as a, as a, as a, as a kind of mystery...

ROSE: Betty Freeman was born in Chicago and grew up in New York. She trained to be a concert pianist, but gave up the idea in the 1960s. Not long after, she started supporting composers financially.

Mr. NORMAN LEBRECHT (Author; Assistant Editor, Evening Standard): The music that we hear today would not be the same without Betty Freeman.

ROSE: Norman Lebrecht is an author and assistant editor of the London Evening Standard. He was also a friend of Freeman's. He calls her, quote, the midwife of postmodernism.

Mr. LEBRECHT: She ignored all the existing barriers. She just went after the stuff that appealed to her. And in doing so, she put a whole load of composers on the map.

ROSE: One of those composers was Steve Reich.

Mr. STEVE REICH (Composer): I got a letter from Betty out of the blue saying that she'd heard my piece "Come Out" and that she really liked it and - but she wanted to help me. I was completely amazed that a person like that could exist. She was a music lover in the absolute basic meaning of that phrase.

ROSE: Reich says Freeman supported him throughout his career without asking anything in return. And she commissioned his piece, "Different Trains," suggesting he write it for the Kronos Quartet.

(Soundbite of music)

ROSE: Betty Freeman didn't just commission new music. She also hosted composers and musicians at a series of private salon concerts in her house in Beverly Hills, where she would often take photographs of them at work. If Freeman's approach recalls the classical patrons of the past, she insisted on applying it to the music of the present.

Ms. FREEMAN: I don't hear Beethoven and Cage differently. I just listen. ..TEXT: ROSE: Betty Freeman continued listening and photographing right up to the end. She died Sunday of pancreatic cancer. She was 87 years old. For NPR News, I'm Joel Rose.