"Iowa Caucuses: Report from Huckabee Campaign"


Ina, I gather it's a small place, perhaps reflecting his late entry into the top three of candidates in Iowa?

INA JAFFE: All I could say is that when I covered bond measures in California that Arnold Schwarzenegger was supporting, the governor had bigger headquarters for his bond measures than I'm seeing here in this ballroom tonight, but there are a few dozen people here and I imagine it will fill up eventually as the caucuses shut down. And what we've had so far is a prayer circle, several people, most of them young, not all, from Arkansas who came up here to pray and summon - quite a bit of intensity in some lengths for former Governor Huckabee's success.

SIEGEL: Now, Ina, going into this, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney were very, very close in the polls, I assume that this is seen by them as a test of organization on the Republican side.

JAFFE: As for the governor of Arkansas, former governor of Arkansas, he's been relying a lot on free media, appearing on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" last night and things of that nature where he can sort of show off his charm and his likability.

SIEGEL: Well, Ina, we'll be hearing from you as the evening wears on. Thanks a lot.

JAFFE: You're welcome.

SIEGEL: NPR's Ina Jaffe at the Embassy Suites Hotel in downtown Des Moines, Iowa, Republican Mike Huckabee's headquarters this evening.