for first part see unitary_limit.gnumeric at low energy the total cross section = 4 pi a^2 where a=scattering length = -d delta0/d k (-Derivative of delta0 wrt k) one can crudely estimate the slope by eye U sigma slope = -a 18 4 -.5 21 6 +.5 24 54 -2 27 24 -1 30 18 -1 33 16 -1 36 14 -1 39 12 -1 42 12 -1 45 11 -1 48 10 -1 51 9 -1 54 7 -.8 57 4 -.4 59 1 0 60 .5 +.4 61 46 +2 61.5 1200 +4 62 680 -2.5 63 80 -2 big a^2 -> big sigma