Compact Fortran 95 Language Summary

  This summary was extracted from various sources.
  It is not intended to be 100% complete. Hopefully it will be
  useful as a memory aid in writing Fortran programs.


  • Introduction to Fortran 95 Language
  • Meta language used in this compact summary
  • Structure of files that can be compiled
  • Executable Statements and Constructs
  • Declarations
  • Key words (other than I/O)
  • Key words related to I/O
  • Operators
  • Constants
  • Input/Output Statements
  • Formats
  • Intrinsic Functions
  • Other Links
  • Introduction to Fortran 95 Language ISO/IEC 1539:1995

      Brought to you by ANSI committee X3J3 and ISO-IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG5 (Fortran)
      This is neither complete nor precisely accurate, but hopefully, after
      a small investment of time it is easy to read and very useful.
      This is the free form version of Fortran, no statement numbers,
      no C in column 1, start in column 1 (not column 7),
      typically indent 2, 3, or 4 spaces per each structure.
      The typical extension is  .f90  .
      Continue a statement on the next line by ending the previous line with
      an ampersand  & .  Start the continuation with  &  for strings.
      The rest of any line is a comment starting with an exclamation mark  ! .
      Put more than one statement per line by separating statements with a
      semicolon  ; . Null statements are OK, so lines can end with semicolons.
      Separate words with space or any form of "white space" or punctuation.

    Meta language used in this compact summary

       means fill in something appropriate for xxx and do not type
            the  "<"  or  ">" .
      ...  ellipsis means the usual, fill in something, one or more lines
      [stuff] means supply nothing or at most one copy of "stuff"
              [stuff1 [stuff2]] means if "stuff1" is included, supply nothing
              or at most one copy of stuff2.
      "old" means it is in the language, like almost every feature of past
      Fortran standards, but should not be used to write new programs.

    Structure of files that can be compiled

      program                   usually file name is  .f90
        use              bring in any needed modules
        implicit none                 good for error detection
               order is important, no more declarations
      end program 
      block data                old
                        common, dimension, equivalence now obsolete
      end block data 
      module                    bring back in with   use 
        implicit none                 good for error detection
                        can have private and public and interface
      end module 
      subroutine                use:  call    to execute
        implicit none                 good for error detection
      end subroutine 
      subroutine (par1, par2, ...) 
                                      use:  call (arg1, arg2,... ) to execute
        implicit none                 optional, good for error detection
                        par1, par2, ... are defined in declarations 
                                      and can be specified in, inout, pointer, etc.
        return                        optional, end causes automatic return
        entry  (par...)         old, optional other entries
      end subroutine 
      function (par1, par2, ...) result()
                                      use: (arg1, arg2, ... argn) as variable
        implicit none                 optional, good for error detection
                        rslt, par1, ... are defined in declarations
         =          required somewhere in execution
        [return]                      optional, end causes automatic return
      end function 
       function(...)      use: (arg1, arg2, ... argn) as variable
         =          required somewhere in execution
        [return]                      optional, end causes automatic return
      end function 

    Executable Statements and Constructs

       will mean exactly one statement in this section
      a construct is multiple lines


      There are five (5) basic types: integer, real, complex, character and logical.
      There may be any number of user derived types.  A modern (not old) declaration
      starts with a type, has attributes, then ::, then variable(s) names
      integer i, pivot, query                             old
      integer, intent (inout) :: arg1
      integer (selected_int_kind (5)) :: i1, i2
      integer, parameter :: m = 7
      integer, dimension(0:4, -5:5, 10:100) :: A3D
      double precision x                                 old
      real  (selected_real_kind(15,300) :: x
      complex :: z
      logical, parameter :: what_if = .true.
      character, parameter :: me = "Jon Squire"
      type        a new user type, derived type
      end type 
      type () :: stuff    declaring stuff to be of derived type 
      real, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: A
      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: P
      Attributes may be:
        allocatable  no memory used here, allocate later
        dimension    vector or multi dimensional array
        external     will be defined outside this compilation
        intent       argument may be  in, inout or out
        intrinsic    declaring function to be an intrinsic
        optional     argument is optional
        parameter    declaring a constant, can not be changed later
        pointer      declaring a pointer
        private      in a module, a private declaration
        public       in a module, a public declaration
        save         keep value from one call to the next, static
        target       can be pointed to by a pointer
        Note:        not all combinations of attributes are legal

    Key words (other than I/O)

      note: "statement" means key word that starts a statement, one line
                        unless there is a continuation "&"
            "construct" means multiple lines, usually ending with "end ..."
            "attribute" means it is used in a statement to further define
            "old"       means it should not be used in new code
      allocatable          attribute, no space allocated here, later allocate
      allocate             statement, allocate memory space now for variable
      assign               statement, old, assigned go to
      assignment           attribute, means subroutine is assignment (=)
      block data           construct, old, compilation unit, replaced by module
      call                 statement, call a subroutine
      case                 statement, used in  select case structure
      character            statement, basic type, intrinsic data type
      common               statement, old, allowed overlaying of storage
      complex              statement, basic type, intrinsic data type
      contains             statement, internal subroutines and functions follow
      continue             statement, old, a place to put a statement number
      cycle                statement, continue the next iteration of a do loop
      data                 statement, old, initialized variables and arrays
      deallocate           statement, free up storage used by specified variable
      default              statement, in a select case structure, all others
      do                   construct, start a do loop
      double precision     statement, old, replaced by selected_real_kind(15,300)
      else                 construct, part of if   else if   else   end if
      else if              construct, part of if   else if   else   end if
      elsewhere            construct, part of where  elsewhere  end where
      end block data       construct, old, ends block data
      end do               construct, ends do
      end function         construct, ends function
      end if               construct, ends if
      end interface        construct, ends interface
      end module           construct, ends module
      end program          construct, ends program
      end select           construct, ends select case
      end subroutine       construct, ends subroutine
      end type             construct, ends type
      end where            construct, ends where
      entry                statement, old, another entry point in a procedure
      equivalence          statement, old, overlaid storage
      exit                 statement, continue execution outside of a do loop
      external             attribute, old statement, means defines else where
      function             construct, starts the definition of a function
      go to                statement, old, requires fixed form statement number
      if                   statement and construct, if(...) statement
      implicit             statement, "none" is preferred to help find errors
      in                   a keyword for intent, the argument is read only
      inout                a keyword for intent, the argument is read/write
      integer              statement, basic type, intrinsic data type
      intent               attribute, intent(in) or intent(out) or intent(inout)
      interface            construct, begins an interface definition
      intrinsic            statement, says that following names are intrinsic
      kind                 attribute, sets the kind of the following variables
      len                  attribute, sets the length of a character string
      logical              statement, basic type, intrinsic data type
      module               construct, beginning of a module definition
      namelist             statement, defines a namelist of input/output
      nullify              statement, nullify(some_pointer) now points nowhere
      only                 attribute, restrict what comes from a module
      operator             attribute, indicates function is an operator, like +
      optional             attribute, a parameter or argument is optional
      out                  a keyword for intent, the argument will be written
      parameter            attribute, old statement, makes variable real only
      pause                old, replaced by stop
      pointer              attribute, defined the variable as a pointer alias
      private              statement and attribute, in a module, visible inside
      program              construct, start of a main program
      public               statement and attribute, in a module, visible outside
      real                 statement, basic type, intrinsic data type
      recursive            attribute, allows functions and derived type recursion
      result               attribute, allows naming of function result  result(Y)
      return               statement, returns from, exits, subroutine or function
      save                 attribute, old statement, keep value between calls
      select case          construct, start of a case construct
      stop                 statement, terminate execution of the main procedure
      subroutine           construct, start of a subroutine definition
      target               attribute, allows a variable to take a pointer alias
      then                 part of if construct
      type                 construct, start of user defined type
      type ( )             statement, declaration of a variable for a users type
      use                  statement, brings in a module
      where                construct, conditional assignment
      while                construct, a while form of a do loop

    Key words related to I/O

      backspace            statement, back up one record
      close                statement, close a file
      endfile              statement, mark the end of a file
      format               statement, old, defines a format
      inquire              statement, get the status of a unit
      open                 statement, open or create a file
      print                statement, performs output to screen
      read                 statement, performs input
      rewind               statement, move read or write position to beginning
      write                statement, performs output


      **    exponentiation
      *     multiplication
      /     division
      +     addition
      -     subtraction
      //    concatenation
      ==    .eq.  equality
      /=    .ne.  not equal
      <     .lt.  less than
      >     .gt.  greater than
      <=    .le.  less than or equal
      >=    .ge.  greater than or equal
      .not.       complement, negation
      .and.       logical and
      .or.        logical or
      .eqv.       logical equivalence
      .neqv.      logical not equivalence, exclusive or
      .eq.  ==    equality, old
      .ne.  /=    not equal. old
      .lt.  <     less than, old
      .gt.  >     greater than, old
      .le.  <=    less than or equal, old
      .ge.  >=    greater than or equal, old
      Other punctuation:
       /  ...  /  used in data, common, namelist and other statements
       (/ ... /)  array constructor, data is separated by commas
       6*1.0      in some contexts, 6 copies of 1.0
       (i:j:k)    in some contexts, a list  i, i+k, i+2k, i+3k, ... i+nk<=j
       (:j)       j and all below
       (i:)       i and all above
       (:)        undefined or all in range


      Logical constants:
        .true.      True
        .false.     False
      Integer constants:
         0    1     -1     123456789
      Real constants:
         0.0   1.0   -1.0    123.456   7.1E+10   -52.715E-30
      Complex constants:
         (0.0, 0.0)    (-123.456E+30, 987.654E-29)
      Character constants:
          "ABC"   "a"  "123'abc$%#@!"    " a quote "" "
          'ABC'   'a'  '123"abc$%#@!'    ' a apostrophe '' '
      Derived type values:
          type name
            character (len=30) :: last
            character (len=30) :: first
            character (len=30) :: middle
          end type name
          type address
            character (len=40) :: street
            character (len=40) :: more
            character (len=20) :: city
            character (len=2)  :: state
            integer (selected_int_kind(5)) :: zip_code
            integer (selected_int_kind(4)) :: route_code
          end type address
          type person
            type (name) lfm
            type (address) snail_mail
          end type person
          type (person) :: a_person = person( name("Squire","Jon","S."), &
              address("106 Regency Circle", "", "Linthicum", "MD", 21090, 1936))
          a_person%snail_mail%route_code == 1936

    Input/Output Statements

        open ()
        open (unit=, file=, iostat=)
        open (unit=, ... many more, see below )
        close ()
        close (unit=, iostat=,
               err=, status="KEEP")
        read () 
        read (unit=, fmt=, iostat=,
              end=, err=) 
        read (unit=, rec=) 
        write () 
        write (unit=, fmt=, iostat=,
        write (unit=, rec=) 
        print *, 
        rewind (, err=)
        backspace (, iostat=)
        endfile (, err=, iostat=)
        inquire ( , exists = )
        inquire ( file=<"name">, opened = , access =  )
        inquire ( iolength =  ) x, y, A   ! gives "recl" for "open"
        namelist //       defines a name list
        read(*,nml=)                     reads some/all variables in namelist
        write(*,nml=)                    writes all variables in namelist
        & = ...  /  data for namelist read
      Input / Output specifiers
        access   one of  "sequential"  "direct"  "undefined"
        action   one of  "read"  "write"  "readwrite"
        advance  one of  "yes"  "no"  
        blank    one of  "null"  "zero"
        delim    one of  "apostrophe"  "quote"  "none"
        end      =         old
        eor      =         old
        err      =         old
        exist    =       
        file     =       <"file name">
        fmt      =       <"(format)"> or  format
        form     one of  "formatted"  "unformatted"  "undefined"
        iolength =       
        iostat   =        0==good, negative==eof, positive==bad
        name     =       
        named    =       
        nml      =       
        nextrec  =           one greater than written
        number   =       
        opened   =       
        pad      one of  "yes"  "no"
        position one of  "asis"  "rewind"  "append"
        rec      =       
        recl     =       
        size     =         number of characters read before eor
        status   one of  "old"  "new"  "unknown"  "replace"  "scratch"  "keep"
        unit     =       
      Individual questions
        direct      =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"
        formatted   =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"
        read        =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"
        readwrite   =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"
        sequential  =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"
        unformatted =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"
        write       =      "yes"  "no"  "unknown"


        format                    an explicit format can replace * in any
                                  I/O statement. Include the format in
                                  apostrophes or quotes and keep the parenthesis.
             print "(3I5,/(2X,3F7.2/))", 
             write(6, '(a,E15.6E3/a,G15.2)' ) 
        A format includes the opening and closing parenthesis.
        A format consists of format items and format control items separated by comma.
        A format may contain grouping parenthesis with an optional repeat count.
      Format Items, data edit descriptors:
        key:  w  is the total width of the field   (filled with *** if overflow)
              m  is the least number of digits in the (sub)field (optional)
              d  is the number of decimal digits in the field
              e  is the number of decimal digits in the exponent subfield
              c  is the repeat count for the format item
              n  is number of columns
        cAw     data of type character (w is optional)
        cBw.m   data of type integer with binary base
        cDw.d   data of type real -- same as E,  old double precision
        cEw.d   or Ew.dEe  data of type real
        cENw.d  or ENw.dEe  data of type real  -- exponent a multiple of 3
        cESw.d  or ESw.dEe  data of type real  -- first digit non zero
        cFw.d   data of type real  -- no exponent printed
        cGw.d   or Gw.dEe  data of type real  -- auto format to F or E
        nH      n characters follow the H,  no list item
        cIw.m   data of type integer
        cLw     data of type logical  --  .true.  or  .false.
        cOw.m   data of type integer with octal base
        cZw.m   data of type integer with hexadecimal base
        ""  literal characters to output, no list item
        ''  literal characters to output, no list item
      Format Control Items, control edit descriptors:
        BN      ignore nonleading blanks in numeric fields
        BZ      treat nonleading blanks in numeric fields as zeros
        nP      apply scale factor to real format items   old
        S       printing of optional plus signs is processor dependent
        SP      print optional plus signs
        SS      do not print optional plus signs
        Tn      tab to specified column
        TLn     tab left n columns
        TRn     tab right n columns
        nX      tab right n columns
        /       end of record (implied / at end of all format statements)
        :       stop format processing if no more list items    can be:
        a variable
        an array name
        an implied do   ((A(i,j),j=1,n) ,i=1,m)    parenthesis and commas as shown
        note: when there are more items in the input list than format items, the
              repeat rules for formats applies.
       can be:
        a constant
        a variable
        an expression
        an array name
        an implied do   ((A(i,j),j=1,n) ,i=1,m)    parenthesis and commas as shown
        note: when there are more items in the output list than format items, the
              repeat rules for formats applies.
      Repeat Rules for Formats:
        Each format item is used with a list item.  They are used in order.
        When there are more list items than format items, then the following
        rule applies:  There is an implied end of record, /, at the closing
        parenthesis of the format, this is processed.  Scan the format backwards
        to the first left parenthesis.  Use the repeat count, if any, in front
        of this parenthesis, continue to process format items and list items.
        Note: an infinite loop is possible
              print "(3I5/(1X/))", I, J, K, L    may never stop

    Intrinsic Functions

      Intrinsic Functions are presented in alphabetical order and then grouped
      by topic.  The function name appears first. The argument(s) and result
      give an indication of the type(s) of argument(s) and results.
      [,dim=] indicates an optional argument  "dim".
      "mask" must be logical and usually conformable.
      "character" and "string" are used interchangeably.
      A brief description or additional information may appear.
      Intrinsic Functions (alphabetical):
        abs(integer_real_complex) result(integer_real_complex)
        achar(integer) result(character)  integer to character
        acos(real) result(real)  arccosine  |real| <= 1.0   0<=result<=Pi
        adjustl(character)  result(character) left adjust, blanks go to back
        adjustr(character)  result(character) right adjust, blanks to front
        aimag(complex) result(real)  imaginary part
        aint(real [,kind=]) result(real)  truncate to integer toward zero
        all(mask [,dim]) result(logical)  true if all elements of mask are true
        allocated(array) result(logical)  true if array is allocated in memory
        anint(real [,kind=]) result(real)  round to nearest integer
        any(mask [,dim=}) result(logical)  true if any elements of mask are true
        asin(real) result(real)  arcsine  |real| <= 1.0   -Pi/2<=result<=Pi/2
        associated(pointer [,target=]) result(logical)  true if pointing
        atan(real) result(real)  arctangent  -Pi/2<=result<=Pi/2 
        atan2(y=real,x=real) result(real)  arctangent  -Pi<=result<=Pi
        bit_size(integer) result(integer)  size in bits in model of argument
        btest(i=integer,pos=integer) result(logical)  true if pos has a 1, pos=0..
        ceiling(real) result(real)  truncate to integer toward infinity
        char(integer [,kind=]) result(character)  integer to character [of kind]
        cmplx(x=real [,y=real] [kind=]) result(complex)  x+iy
        conjg(complex) result(complex)  reverse the sign of the imaginary part
        cos(real_complex) result(real_complex)  cosine
        cosh(real) result(real)  hyperbolic cosine
        count(mask [,dim=]) result(integer)  count of true entries in mask
        cshift(array,shift [,dim=]) circular shift elements of array, + is right
        date_and_time([date=] [,time=] [,zone=] [,values=])  y,m,d,utc,h,m,s,milli
        dble(integer_real_complex) result(real_kind_double)  convert to double
        digits(integer_real) result(integer)  number of bits to represent model
        dim(x=integer_real,y=integer_real) result(integer_real) proper subtraction
        dot_product(vector_a,vector_b) result(integer_real_complex) inner product
        dprod(x=real,y=real) result(x_times_y_double)  double precision product
        eoshift(array,shift [,boundary=] [,dim=])  end-off shift using boundary
        epsilon(real) result(real)  smallest positive number added to 1.0 /= 1.0
        exp(real_complex) result(real_complex)  e raised to a power
        exponent(real) result(integer)  the model exponent of the argument
        floor(real) result(real)  truncate to integer towards negative infinity
        fraction(real) result(real)  the model fractional part of the argument
        huge(integer_real) result(integer_real)  the largest model number
        iachar(character) result(integer)  position of character in ASCII sequence
        iand(integer,integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical and
        ibclr(integer,pos) result(integer)  argument with pos bit cleared to zero
        ibits(integer,pos,len) result(integer)  extract len bits starting at pos
        ibset(integer,pos) result(integer)  argument with pos bit set to one
        ichar(character) result(integer)  pos in collating sequence of character
        ieor(integer,integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical exclusive or
        index(string,substring [,back=])  result(integer)  pos of substring
        int(integer_real_complex) result(integer)  convert to integer
        ior(integer,integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical or
        ishft(integer,shift) result(integer)  shift bits in argument by shift
        ishftc(integer, shift) result(integer)  shift circular bits in argument
        kind(any_intrinsic_type) result(integer)  value of the kind
        lbound(array,dim) result(integer)  smallest subscript of dim in array
        len(character) result(integer)  number of characters that can be in argument
        len_trim(character) result(integer)  length without trailing blanks
        lge(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a>=string_b
        lgt(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a>string_b
        lle(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a<=string_b
        llt(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a<= 1.0   0<=result<=Pi
        aimag(complex) result(real)  imaginary part
        aint(real [,kind=]) result(real)  truncate to integer toward zero
        anint(real [,kind=]) result(real)  round to nearest integer
        asin(real) result(real)  arcsine  |real| <= 1.0   -Pi/2<=result<=Pi/2
        atan(real) result(real)  arctangent  -Pi/2<=result<=Pi/2 
        atan2(y=real,x=real) result(real)  arctangent  -Pi<=result<=Pi
        ceiling(real) result(real)  truncate to integer toward infinity
        cmplx(x=real [,y=real] [kind=]) result(complex)  x+iy
        conjg(complex) result(complex)  reverse the sign of the imaginary part
        cos(real_complex) result(real_complex)  cosine
        cosh(real) result(real)  hyperbolic cosine
        dble(integer_real_complex) result(real_kind_double)  convert to double
        digits(integer_real) result(integer)  number of bits to represent model
        dim(x=integer_real,y=integer_real) result(integer_real) proper subtraction
        dot_product(vector_a,vector_b) result(integer_real_complex) inner product
        dprod(x=real,y=real) result(x_times_y_double)  double precision product
        epsilon(real) result(real)  smallest positive number added to 1.0 /= 1.0
        exp(real_complex) result(real_complex)  e raised to a power
        exponent(real) result(integer)  the model exponent of the argument
        floor(real) result(real)  truncate to integer towards negative infinity
        fraction(real) result(real)  the model fractional part of the argument
        huge(integer_real) result(integer_real)  the largest model number
        int(integer_real_complex) result(integer)  convert to integer
        log(real_complex) result(real_complex)  natural logarithm
        log10(real) result(real)  logarithm base 10
        matmul(matrix,matrix) result(vector_matrix)  on integer_real_complex_logical
        max(a1,a2,a3,...) result(integer_real)  maximum of list of values
        maxexponent(real) result(integer)  maximum exponent of model type
        maxloc(array [,mask=]) result(integer_vector)  indices in array of maximum
        maxval(array [,dim=] [,mask=])  result(array_element)  maximum value
        min(a1,a2,a3,...) result(integer-real)  minimum of list of values
        minexponent(real) result(integer)  minimum(negative) exponent of model type
        minloc(array [,mask=]) result(integer_vector)  indices in array of minimum
        minval(array [,dim=] [,mask=])  result(array_element)  minimum value
        mod(a=integer_real,p) result(integer_real)  a modulo p
        modulo(a=integer_real,p) result(integer_real)  a modulo p
        nearest(real,direction) result(real)  nearest value toward direction
        nint(real [,kind=]) result(real)  round to nearest integer value
        product(array [,dim=] [,mask=]) result(integer_real_complex)  product
        radix(integer_real) result(integer)  radix of integer or real model, 2
        random_number(harvest=real_out)  subroutine, uniform random number 0 to 1
        random_seed([size=] [,put=] [,get=])  subroutine to set random number seed
        range(integer_real_complex) result(integer_real)  decimal exponent of model
        real(integer_real_complex [,kind=]) result(real)  convert to real
        rrspacing(real) result(real)  reciprocal of relative spacing of model
        scale(real,integer) result(real)  multiply by  2**integer
        set_exponent(real,integer) result(real)  put integer as exponent of real
        sign(integer_real,integer_real) result(integer_real) sign of second on first
        sin(real_complex) result(real_complex)  sine of angle in radians
        sinh(real) result(real)  hyperbolic sine of argument
        spacing(real) result(real)  spacing of model numbers near argument
        sqrt(real_complex) result(real_complex)  square root of argument
        sum(array [,dim=] [,mask=]) result(integer_real_complex)  sum of elements
        tan(real) result(real)  tangent of angle in radians
        tanh(real) result(real)  hyperbolic tangent of angle in radians
        tiny(real) result(real)  smallest positive model representation
        transpose(matrix) result(matrix)  the transpose of a matrix
      Intrinsic Functions (Logical and bit)
        all(mask [,dim]) result(logical)  true if all elements of mask are true
        any(mask [,dim=}) result(logical)  true if any elements of mask are true
        bit_size(integer) result(integer)  size in bits in model of argument
        btest(i=integer,pos=integer) result(logical)  true if pos has a 1, pos=0..
        count(mask [,dim=]) result(integer)  count of true entries in mask
        iand(integer,integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical and
        ibclr(integer,pos) result(integer)  argument with pos bit cleared to zero
        ibits(integer,pos,len) result(integer)  extract len bits starting at pos
        ibset(integer,pos) result(integer)  argument with pos bit set to one
        ieor(integer,integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical exclusive or
        ior(integer,integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical or
        ishft(integer,shift) result(integer)  shift bits in argument by shift
        ishftc(integer, shift) result(integer)  shift circular bits in argument
        logical(logical [,kind=])  convert to logical
        matmul(matrix,matrix) result(vector_matrix)  on integer_real_complex_logical
        merge(true_source,false_source,mask) result(source_type)  choose by mask
        mvbits(from,frompos,len,to,topos) result(integer)  move bits
        not(integer) result(integer)  bit by bit logical complement
        transfer(source,mold [,size]) result(mold_type)  same bits, new type
      intrinsic Functions (Character or string)
        achar(integer) result(character)  integer to character
        adjustl(character)  result(character) left adjust, blanks go to back
        adjustr(character)  result(character) right adjust, blanks to front
        char(integer [,kind=]) result(character)  integer to character [of kind]
        iachar(character) result(integer)  position of character in ASCII sequence
        ichar(character) result(integer)  pos in collating sequence of character
        index(string,substring [,back=])  result(integer)  pos of substring
        len(character) result(integer)  number of characters that can be in argument
        len_trim(character) result(integer)  length without trailing blanks
        lge(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a>=string_b
        lgt(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a>string_b
        lle(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a<=string_b
        llt(string_a,string_b) result(logical)  string_a

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    Last updated 9/21/98