Note: the data file chandler2.m is on the class web site. Note: The below command aims to load the data into Mathematica. To use the command exactly as shown, Mathematica must be able to find the data file chandler2.m If you download and save the file you must tell Mathematica the path needed to find it. Alternatively you might just copy and paste the list into Mathematica Note: Some browser/OS combinations make it hard to download the data without opening the file or changing the filename. The file chandler2 has the same data without an extension. In the end you may be required to just copy&paste the data into Mathematica, but under no circumstances should you ever print out the 2000+ data points! The below command is required to get the data into Mathematica data=<All] ListLinePlot[Abs[Data],PlotRange->{{75,115},All}]