Q: Assume you sampled every 0.1ms (i.e. Delta =10^-4 sec) for N=1024 total samples, so the total time sampling was about 0.1 sec, and then made a Fourier Transform (FFT). What is the actual frequency (in Hz) of the first non-DC FFT component, i.e., the one Mathematica reports in Data[[2]]. 1/(1024*10^-4 sec) APPROX 10 Hz #40: y=Table[0,{i, 20}] x[n_]=UnitStep[n-6] Do[ y[[n]] = ( x[n- 4] + x[n- 3] + x[n- 2] + x[n- 1] + x[n- 0])/5 ,{n,6,7}] y[[7]] 2/5 A[w_]=(Exp[-I 4 w]+Exp[-I 3 w]+Exp[-I 2 w]+Exp[-I 1 w]+1)/5 Plot[Abs[A[f Pi]],{f,0,1}] Nyquist=5000 f=2500 -> .5 Pi Abs[A[.5 Pi]] .2 y=Table[0,{i, 20}] x[n_]=UnitStep[n-6] Do[ y[[n]] = ( 1 x[n- 4] + 4 x[n- 3] + 6 x[n- 2] + 4 x[n- 1] + 1 x[n- 0])/68.94 + -.05034 y[[n- 4]] + .3599 y[[n- 3]] -1.0459 y[[n- 2]] + 1.5042 y[[n- 1]], {n,6,20}] y[[7]] Out[4]= 0.0943458 ListPlot[y, Joined->True, PlotRange->All] xx[k_]=Exp[I w k] A[w_]=( 1 xx[-4] + 4 xx[-3] + 6 xx[-2] + 4 xx[-1] + 1 )/68.94/ (1-(-.05034 xx[-4] + .3599 xx[-3] -1.0459 xx[-2] + 1.5042 xx[-1])) Abs[A[.5 Pi]] Out[11]= 0.0507044 #41 a) 10,000 Hz y=Table[0,{i, 20}] y[[1]]=8/7 x[n_]=n Do[ y[[n]] = 8/7 ( x[n] - x[n- 1] - y[[n- 1]]/8), {n,2,20}] ListPlot[y, Joined->True, PlotRange->All] {y[[1]],y[[2]],y[[3]]} 8 48 344 Out[11]= {-, --, ---} 7 49 343 quickly reaches & hold results =1 Note if y[[]]=1 then 8/7 ( x[n] - x[n- 1] - y[[n- 1]]/8)= 8/7(1-1/8)=1 A[w_]=8/7( - xx[-1] + 1 )/(1+ xx[-1]/7) Plot[Abs[A[f Pi]],{f,0,1}] y=Table[0,{i, 20}] x[n_]=UnitStep[n-6] Do[ y[[n]] = 2 ( -x[n- 1] + x[n- 0]-y[[n-1]]/2) ,{n,6,20}] ListPlot[y, Joined->True, PlotRange->All] NOT STABLE A[w_]=( - xx[-1] + 1 ) Plot[Abs[A[f Pi]],{f,0,1}] MORE BEND #42 putting {x+I y} together makes this data be a complex number rotating in a particular direction datax=Re[data] datay=Im[data] data2=Transpose[{datax,datay}] ListPlot[data2[[1;;50]],Joined->True,AspectRatio->Automatic] you can perhaps see that {x,y} is rotating clockwise, i.e., like Exp[-I w t] which Mathematica treats as a positive frequency (with no negative frequency component) After RotateLeft, I see peaks at 86.5 and 102 freq= n/N f0 = 86.5/2048 20 & 102/2048 20 period=1/freq: 1.18382 year & 1.00392 year 432.4 days 366.7 days forcing function is not a monotone #43 x=<True, PlotRange->All] ListPlot[x, Joined->True, PlotRange->All] the filter has gain...it amplifies data=Drop[y,4] Data=Fourier[data] Data=RotateLeft[Data,1] ListLinePlot[Abs[Data],PlotRange->All] real data contains + and - frequencies with equal magnitudes (e.g., Cos[t]=(Exp[I t]+Exp[-I t])/2) The negative frequencies are aliased up to N-n ListLinePlot[Abs[Data],PlotRange->{{1,50},All}] the peak is at n=16 freq = n/N f0 = 16/2048 12 (year^-1) period= 1/freq = 10.7 years The digital filter has attenuated frequencies above .2 *12 (year^-1) which corresponds to n=.2*2048 approx 400 #59: Nyquist =f0/2=5000 reading at x=.5 (half the Nyquist frequency) @2500: Bessel=.5, Butterworth=.7, Chebyshev=.9 increasingly "sharp" (abrupt near-step change): Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev Chebyshev is not flat in passed band...it has oscillations