The electrical conductance of a sample (y, measured in [S]iemens) is measured at various temperatures (x, absolute temperature measured in [K]elvin). The accuracy of the conductance measurement is 6%.

In 1889 Svante Arrhenius proposed a theory explaining that many thermodynamic processes should depend on absolute temperature in a particular way (now called the Arrhenius equation):

Y = Y exp(-E/(kT))

where E is the excitation energy, k is Boltzmann's constant, and T is the absolute temperature.

  1. Fit this data to an Arrhenius relationship:

    y = A exp(B/x)

  2. Consider Arrhenius's scientific claim for this particular exponential law. Does this evidence (data) confirm or contradict this claim? Support your answer quantitatively.
  3. Properly report (sigfigs, error, units) the A and B parameters of the best-fit function.
  4. Connecting the fit equation to Arrhenius's theory requires:

    E = -Bk

    Boltzmann's constant, k, has the value: 1.3807 × 10-23 J/K. Use a spreadsheet to calculate the excitation energy from B, and properly report (sigfigs, error, units) the value.

  5. Self-document the spreadsheet and turn in a hardcopy of the page.
  6. Make a hardcopy plot of the data with best-fit curve. Make an additional hardcopy plot with scales chosen so as to linearize the curve.

53 1.11
55 1.25
67 2.35
69 2.91
92 5.48
190 18.7