In a test of spring stiffness, various masses (x, in kg) are loaded onto a spring and the location of the spring-end (y, in m) is determined. The spring-end location measurements have an accuracy of .0005 m.

Robert Hooke asserted that there should be a linear relationship between x and y. A quantity called the spring constant k can be calculated from the slope (B) of this line:


where g is the acceleration of gravity,

g = 9.8 m/s2

  1. Properly report (sigfigs, error, units) the slope and intercept of the best-fit line.
  2. Consider Hooke's scientific claim of a linear relationship. Does this evidence (data) confirm or contradict this claim? Support your answer quantitatively.
  3. Use a spreadsheet to calculate the spring constant, and properly report (sigfigs, error, units) the value.
  4. Self-document the spreadsheet and turn in a hardcopy of the page.
  5. Make a hardcopy plot of the data with best-fit curve.

0.042.5 × 10-3
0.065.6 × 10-3
0.111.39 × 10-2
0.121.57 × 10-2
0.131.71 × 10-2
0.162.16 × 10-2
0.212.78 × 10-2
0.233.31 × 10-2
0.243.49 × 10-2
0.253.70 × 10-2