Enter below a function using normal fortran notation (e.g., .5*g*x^2, note: "^" = "**" is OK; the mass of 1 amu is 1.66054E-27 kg = 1.66054 × 10-27 kg; trig functions like sin and asin = sin-1 = arcsin are designed for radian measure; sqrt(1/(mu0*epsilon0)))
show= 2.000000000000000
H = 6.626075500000000E-034
HBAR = 1.054572669125102E-034
E = 1.602177330000000E-019
ESU = 4.803206800000000E-010
ME = 9.109389699999999E-031
ME2 = 0.510999060000000
MP = 1.672623100000000E-027
MP2 = 938.272310000000
EPSILON0= 8.854187817000000E-012
MU0 = 1.256637061435917E-006
ALPHA = 7.297353079644819E-003
RY2 = 13.6056981000000
RY = 2.179874105464407E-018
GN = 6.672590000000000E-011
G = 9.80665000000000
NA = 6.022136700000000E+023
KB = 1.380658000000000E-023
SIGMA = 5.670510000000000E-008
PC = 3.085677580700000E+016
AU = 149597870660.000
MSUN = 1.988920000000000E+030
RSUN = 696000000.000000
LSUN = 3.846000000000000E+026
MEARTH = 5.973700000000000E+024
REARTH = 6378140.00000000
ATM = 101325.000000000
R = 8.31451121194860