Sky Maps: Quiz

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Answer the following question by clicking on the below boxes and selecting the the single best response. The answer that shows is the answer you have selected. For 1 point, in the below example, select: Other. When you have completed the quiz click on the above "hand in quiz" button.



For the below questions select (or enter) the letter(s) from the above figure that best matches

  1. The zenith:
  2. The north celestial pole:
  3. The due western horizon:
  4. When facing due north the direction slightly to your right:
  5. The vernal equinox:
  6. The diurnal circle that goes through A also goes through
  7. Where the Sun would rise on an equinox:
  8. Where the Sun would rise on June 21:
  9. Where the Sun would rise on December 21:
  10. The location RA=19h20m, dec=-17°
  11. The location altitude=0° azimuth=245°
  12. The meridian goes through 5 letters; list them:
  13. The vertical circle that goes through D also goes through 2 other letters; list them:
  14. The ecliptic goes through 3 letters; list them:
  15. The celestial equator goes through 3 letters; list them:
  16. The constellation Orion (near G) is rising.
  17. If you were to directly face the Big Dipper, it would look most nearly like: