The below picture shows the Sun setting in the "west". Of course, since it's not
an equinox, the Sun isn't on the celestial equator and hence isn't setting
exactly due west. The Sun is on the ecliptic. Denoted with
red arrows are possible locations for the Moon (also near the ecliptic).
You are (in part) to report what phase the Moon would have (as viewed by the stick figure)
if it were at
each of those four possible locations.
The Sun is setting:
The approximate date is:

Select Phase for Moon #1:

Select Phase for Moon #2:

Select Phase for Moon #3:

Select Phase for Moon #4:

The above picture shows an SC001 star map with labels as various positions.
For each of the below select the label on the SC001
that best matches the postion of the named object from the first picture.
The Sun's position:
The Moon #2 position:
The Moon #4 position: