CCDVIEW is a simple program developed for Unix / Xwindow systems for quick viewing images produced by SBIG CCD cameras, its basic features may be summarized as follows:
Screenshot [151 kB gif] of ccdview sessions. PGPLOT Window 1 is an image of M42 Great nebula in Orion with color palette called Red Temperature (adapted from IDL 4.0.1). The histogram of this image is displayed in Window 2. Another two windows show ccdview in astrometry / photometry mode and zoom of current cursor position. Any input / output is displayed on terminal. The snapshot shows eclipsing variable star X Tri.
The program was developed in C and FORTRAN77 using PGPLOT library for graphics output and primary ported for Linux. The sources are also for disposal, if you would like to make a port suitable for your system (I have already tested Sun Sparc station with SUN OS 5.0). Let me know, if you were succesful.
The basic usage is:
ccdview [ options ] [ files ]Try ccdview --help to obtain a help message on command-line options, and ccdview --version for version information. You may also use a driver called ccd. CCDVIEW opens one graphics window to display the image, informations about current image are printed on the terminal. Next image will be displayed by pressing <left> mouse button in the graphics window. A brief help to keystrokes will be displayed by pressing ?, the detailed explanation of all hot keys follows.
Modes - The program works in three basic modes: normal mode is useful for displaying images and interactive change of background, range, color palette and subsequent GIF export. The photometry mode serves simple aperture photometry and astrometry measurements, some of the keystrokes change their meaning! In the listing mode program allows to scroll through the list of image filenames.
Keystrokes - All the keys are active only when the graphical display is highlited, either if you enter the background value. <middle> mouse button is sometimes emulated by pressing <left> and <rigth> together.
Parameter file - Many options and defaults could be set up in this parameter file as documented therein. The search path for and palette files is ./: /usr/X11R6/lib/ccdview: /usr/local/lib/ccdview: /usr/local/bin.
DOS utility - The DOS code was written in Turbo Pascal 6.0. This utility uses the same subroutines for reading and decompression of CCD images, but its capabilities are very restricted against the full featured Unix / Xwindow version. Possible graphics resolutions are 640x400 upto 1024x768 in 256 colors, Jordan Hargraphix Software SVGA driver ver 3.2 was used. You would like to customize preferences in file. This parameter file could be placed either in the same directory as ccdview.exe or in current directory. The usage is:
ccdview [ files ]e. g. ccdview *.255, ccdview c:\ccdops\data0410\*.* The program will display all images with short info about them. <enter> or <space> moves to the next one, b, r sets background and range to the specified values - you have to type a number and press <enter>, no prompt is displayed.
PGPLOT library have to be properly installed to compile CCDVIEW. The binary distribution contains those parts of library needed to run the program: Set up PGPLOT_DIR variable to the /usr/local/lib/pgplot in your .profile and put both pgxwin_server and grfont.dat to that directory.
Download recent versions from
The simple DOS utility might be downloaded from here: 27 kB Jul 26th 2001 DOS utility