"Pastor's Gay Brother 'Frustrated That NPR Made This A News Story'"


Last week we brought you the story of Allan Edwards, a Presbyterian minister from Pennsylvania who is attracted to men but married to a woman. He says his attraction puts him in conflict with his faith, so he doesn't act on it.

ALLAN EDWARDS: I think we all have parts of our desires that we choose not to act on, right? So for me, it's not just that the religion was important to me but communion with a God who loves me. What I do with my sexual orientation, what I do with my experience of sexuality, that kind of comes after this experience with a very transformative and gracious God.

MARTIN: Our interview drew more than 1,500 comments on our website. And it also prompted a response from Allan Edwards younger brother, Dexter, who is openly gay. Allan Edwards hadn't mentioned his brother in our interview. After hearing his brother on the air, Dexter contacted The Advocate, a gay publication. We contacted him by phone yesterday.

DEXTER EDWARDS: I was shocked. And I was very uneasy. It brought up the feelings I've had through the past, you know, six and a half, seven years - just feelings that I've tried to suppress. I took it as, like, almost a personal jab.

MARTIN: Allan Edwards believes you can't be a Christian and live an openly gay life. Dexter respects his brother but felt compelled to speak out.

D. EDWARDS: I was kind of frustrated that NPR made this a news story because I feel as how detrimental it can be to other people. I mean, I understand that it's an opinion, and it's a lifestyle choice, and that everyone does and can choose what they want to do. But I would never want this to harm anyone. I just want to be a voice of encouragement to people that have come through it or are going through it or are in the closet and don't feel comfortable because of people like this.

MARTIN: We reached out to Allan Edwards to see if he wanted to comment further. He politely declined. But he did respond to The Advocate. Allan says his brother is, quote, living his life based on what he believes, and I am living my life based on what I believe. We disagree about issues of faith and sexuality, but I love him.