And our last word in business is: Surveillance - not from the NSA, but from a store near you.
Retailers have long tracked activity in stores, with video cameras. Now, they have an option to track you. Security tech company 3VR has unveiled an in-store video camera that allegedly uses facial recognition to gauge your age, gender and mood.
INSKEEP: Retailers could use real-time information to customize digital signs - just as you are passing.
MONTAGNE: They might even warn a nearby sales associate of your facial expression as you head toward the counter.
INSKEEP: Maybe you're looking cranky, or maybe ready for an impulse buy.
MONTAGNE: No word, though, on how the software analyzes the guy in sunglasses, or a kid sticking out her tongue. And that's the business news on MORNING EDITION, from NPR News. I'm Renee Montagne.
INSKEEP: And I'm Steve Inskeep.