"Accused Shooter Appears In Court"


From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Michele Norris.


And, Martin, this is the first time we've seen Jared Loughner since his alleged shooting spree. How did he look? How did he act?

MARTIN KASTE: He replied in mono syllables. He replied yes when it was appropriate to. He had very short answers to the judge when required. While he was standing there in front of the judge, his new attorney was sort of rubbing his back every now and then kind of keeping him focus. She, at one point, whispered to him, are you okay? But he responded to questions appropriately, and he seemed to be very (unintelligible).

SIEGEL: And remind us, again, of the charges that Loughner faces so far.

KASTE: Martin, was anything actually decided during today's appearance?

KASTE: So it's that kind of thing that's been taken cared of. It was also decided that he will be held without bail. That he's a threat to the community, and they set the next date for his next appearance.

SIEGEL: And as for the investigation of this shooting and as reporters dig in some more, what's the latest that we've learned about Jared Loughner's life?

KASTE: We're told from law enforcement sources that his parents have been called to the college. They've come there to talk about this. It's not clear how seriously they took it. We're also getting some sense that the investigators are moving very quickly as they put together the timeline. For example, it's now clear that he bought quite a bit of ammunition on the morning of the shooting.

SIEGEL: Thank you, Martin.

KASTE: You're welcome.

SIEGEL: NPR's Martin Kaste at the federal courthouse in Phoenix.