"Congressional Kids Crowd The Halls"


Among those attending today's opening ceremonies at the House of Representatives were plenty of nonvoters. They were generally short. And most wore crisp suits and starchy dresses, usually reserved for worship service or the occasional wedding.

I'm talking about the children who turned out to watch their family or friends get sworn in.

Ms. 'NESHAMBIA SOULE(ph): I'm 'Neshambia Soule and I'm from Prattville, Alabama. Everything was like moving fast. You've seen a lot of people and people coming up to you greeting you very nicely even though they don't know you. It was just a nice experience for, like, people who have never been in here before. So it was real nice.

Mr. JULIAN CAVERLY(ph): My name is Julian Caverly and I am from Los Angeles. My grandma is a congresswoman, so we just went to the swearing-in. It was cool.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. CAVERLY: It was too many big words and speeches.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. CAVERLY: And it was really long.

Ms. SHALA KINSINGER(ph): Shala Kinsinger and Sofia Kinsinger(ph).


Ms. SHALA KINSINGER: It was really exciting because I've always wanted to be the president when I grow up.

Ms. SOFIA KINSINGER: I wasn't bored at all. I was kind of into it.

Ms. SHALA KINSINGER: I barely was watching it because I was playing on my uncle's phone.

NORRIS: Children who were exhilarated by today's opening session of Congress.