Day   Date      Text       Topics                 Assigned Homework (due following period)
 1/1  M Jan 12  21.1-21.3  Electric Charges       Pre-Test,16[partial answer: mag F=.357 N],23,72
 1/3  W Jan 15  21.4-21.6  Electric Fields        49,51,old exam#11A
 1/5  F Jan 17  21.5-21.6  E by integration       90[partial answer: Ex=kQ/(x sqrt(x^2+a^2)) ],97[note:book's answer is missing a pi],old exam#14
 2/1  T Jan 20  21.5-21.7  E again, dipoles       70[partial answer a: 4.98E-19 J],95[note:book's answer has a sign error],104(a-c)
 2/3  R Jan 22  22.1-22.3  Gauss' Law             7,33,old exam#12
 2/5  M Jan 26  22.1-22.5  Applying Gauss' Law    39,40,45
 3/1  W Jan 28  23.1-23.3  Electric Potential     10,21,63
 3/3  F Jan 30  23.3-23.5  V by integration       66,69,79[my answer looks different from the book's answer, but in fact they are the same]
 3/5  T Feb 3   21.1-23.5  Review                 not-to-be-graded challenge problem
 4/1  R Feb 5   21.1-23.5  **Exam 1**            
 4/3  M Feb 9   24.1-24.3  Capacitance            3,7,15,22
 4/5  W Feb 11  24.4-24.6  Dielectrics            24,29,39,old exam#11
 5/1  F Feb 13  25.1-25.4  Current Density        3,22,57
 5/3  T Feb 17  25.4-25.6  Simple Circuit         45,77,old exam#12
 5/5  R Feb 19  26.1-26.3  Kirchhoff's Rules      23,59,old exam#13,#14
 6/1  M Feb 23  26.4-26.5  RC Circuits            47,49,64[partial answer: battery=10A]
 6/3  W Feb 25  24.1-26.5  Review                 not-to-be-graded challenge problems:26.91, 92
 6/5  F Feb 27  24.1-26.5  **Exam 2**                
 7/1  T Mar 10  27.1-27.5  Magnetic Field         8,11,54
 7/3  R Mar 12  27.3-27.7  Idl x B                35,72,78,79
 7/5  M Mar 16             POWER OUT!
 8/1  W Mar 18  27.7-27.9  loops: force & torque  43,44,46,62     
 8/3  F Mar 20  28.1-28.5  Biot-Savart            69,current sheet problem, old exam#11,#14
 8/5  T Mar 24  28.5-28.7  Ampere's Law           36,43,44,old exam#12
 9/1  R Mar 26  28.5-28.8  More B                 64,67,79,82
 9/3  M Mar 30  29.1-29.5  Induction              7[book has sign error],10,17,24,old exam#8
 9/5  W Apr 1   29.5-29.8  emf + Maxwell          38,48,old exam#15
10/1  F Apr 3   30.1-30.4  Inductors              9,15,48,73 (compare:old exam#13)
10/3  T Apr 7   31.1-31.3  AC Circuits: LRC       7,10,11,21,47 (NOTE: order change)
10/5  T Apr 14  30.4-30.6  LRC circuit            21,32,38,64
11/1  R Apr 16  31.4-31.6  Resonance, Transformer 29,33,37,42         
11/3  M Apr 20  27.1-31.6  Review                 not-to-be-graded challenge electronics problems 11-14,17-19,23-25
11/5  R Apr 23  27.1-31.6  **Exam 3**              
12/1  M Apr 27  32.1-32.3  Electromagnetic Waves  7,9(use 2.65 not 12.65, book's B0 is wrong),11,13
12/3  W Apr 29  32.4-32.4  Electromagnetic Waves  41,44,49,51
12/5  F May 1   27,28,29   Magnetic Materials     Post-Test
MSII  R May 7   21.1-32.4  **Final Exam**