Physics 191

Fall 2007


Name: Dr. Tom Kirkman     Office: PEngel 111        Office Hour: 1:00 p.m. Day 1
Phone: 363-3811     email:



Lab Schedule

191 Final Exam scheduled for MS I: Tuesday, December 18 at 8 am


Introductory physics demands a great deal: the ability to use all the mathematics you've learned over your lifetime, the ability to read with comprehension the equation-filled textbook, the ability to convert the descriptive text in a problem into a physical situation, the ability to read instruction manuals and use equipment in lab,... With so many simultaneously applied demands, students around the world struggle with introductory physics. I've collected some advice to students taking physics that can be found on the web.

  1. Problem Solving Strategy by Fr. Wilfred Theisen (SJU, 1952)

  2. How to Study Physics by Len Valley (SJU, 1955)

  3. Advice from Daniel F. Styer, Oberlin College (Ohio) Physics Department

  4. Advice on Learning Physics by dduq0619 at University of Rhode Island

  5. How to Study Physics David R. Hubin and Charles Riddell at UTexas Austin

  6. How to Study Physics Seville Chapman (1946, Stanford) [web version by: Donald E. Simanek, Lock Haven University]

On-line Quizzes

  1. Pre-Test
  2. Alien Beasts!
  3. Carpet Layer's Puzzle
  4. Life or Death at Three Mile Island
  5. Volume Puzzle
  6. Ballistic Pendulum: multiple choice
  7. Planet Puzzle
  8. Post-Test

For More Information On...

Sample Quizzes from 2002 (PDF format)

Sample Exams from 2002 (PDF format)

Older Sample Exams (PDF format)

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